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Preparing for the DIFFERENCE between Preparation and the Real Thing

attorneysomervilleattorneysomerville Free Trial Member
in General 75 karma
What are some ways you can prepare yourself for the "shock and awe" of the actual test? A lot of people do great on practice tests, routinely scoring about where they want to be... and then get into the testing center and forget everything they ever learned. What are some ways we can get ready for the pressure, hormones, and emotions of test day?

For example:

Would it help to time each questions with a stop watch?
Would it help to set some artificial consequences for failure (like, "Get 8 out 10 questions right in 10 minutes or else you have to clean the refrigerator")?
Would it help to have somebody else hover over you and time you?


  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    edited November 2016 23929 karma
    @attorneysomerville said:
    What are some ways we can get ready for the pressure, hormones, and emotions of test day?
    Are you an attorney or a student still prepping for the LSAT lol?
  • BinghamtonDaveBinghamtonDave Alum Member 🍌🍌
    edited November 2016 8722 karma
  • inactiveinactive Alum Member
    12637 karma
    Hey, the 7Sage forum is for students and tutors to help other students, not for students to help tutors. Please stop.
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