A condition stated is "Within each segment, reports are ordered by length, from longest to shortest." For purposes of my question I'd like to emphasize that this condition, like all LG rules,
is an absolute rule that must be followed.
We are given no information about the length relation of T to either of W or I. Despite this:
The correct answer to Q1, the typical "acceptable configuration" question, implies T — W (where "—" is the usual notation indicating relative order). If this is a way of providing more information, i.e., another rule, it is unique in my limited experience.
The correct answers to Q5 and Q6 imply T — I.
How can T — W or T — I be
required assumptions to answer correctly without our having any information that would support them?
explanation for this game does not address my question.
A violates that N is the longest
C violates that S is the shortest
D violates I...W(I is longer than W)
E violates that each segment needs a Local Interest report(The second segment only has General Interest)
With these four eliminated, B HAS to be correct.
Edit: I decided this wasn't a complete enough explanation since it didn't cover 5 and 6.
Looking at Question 5, we can see once again that the answer itself is correct without this assumption. If I were the last report of the first segment, W could not be in the first segment since I must be longer than W. Similarly, I must be longer than S since S is ALWAYS the shortest. Since I is the last(shortest) of the first segment, the second segment must be W and S.
So now lets look at the first segment. We have I as last, and two blank spaces left. Well, since N is ALWAYS the longest, It must be N-T-I. As you can see, we arrive at this answer not because of the assumption that T-I, it is simply a product of the existing restrictions.
Now, question 6. The only reason T - I is the case here is because the game dictated this.
So can we have I-T? Yes. Consider:
1: NWS
2: IT
Unless I am wrong, this is a valid answer. As you can see, T - I is not a must be true.
The order relations that are specified all include the word "always." That lends support to your point.