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Advice on reviewing RC

Hey guys,
I've been pting for the last month or so for the December LSAT. I have improved immensely in LG and LR because I feel like I've been blind reviewing this sections pretty effectively. I try to blind review RC as well, but I don't feel like my level of understanding in this section has improved much since I started doing PT's.

Does anyone have any advice on how to get the most out of reviewing RC after a PT?


  • Cant Get RightCant Get Right Yearly + Live Member Sage 🍌 7Sage Tutor
    27890 karma
    While it's important to review immediately after the PT as a part of your BR, I think RC really benefits from delayed repeats. Some of my most productive gains on RC came from repeating a section a month or two after I saw it the first time. Having a distant recollection of the subject matter frees up my mind to really hone in on the structural elements of the passage. Once I started seeing the underlying mechanics on repeats, I found that I became better and better at seeing it on new sections.

    Another thing I like to do is to break down sentences grammatically. Any time I read a complex sentence that confuses me, I like to identify the subject, the verb, and the object. By reading the skeletal sentence structure, I then have a better time following what the sentence is saying. So the previous sentences would read something like: "I read sentence, I identify subject/verb/object. I have time." Very simple, very concise. From there, I can flesh it out with all the other grammatical structures.
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