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Necessary Assumption Questions

abinandehabinandeh Alum Member
edited July 2014 in General 91 karma
What techniques do you guys use to figure out whether a particular question that is NA requires a bridge or a block? I tend to use the negation test almost always and sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.


  • chrijani7chrijani7 Alum Member
    edited July 2014 827 karma
    I typically narrow it down to two answer choices and then use the negation process. For the most part that works for me, but in the case of the oddball question where it doesn't or at least on the surface it doesn't, then I go back to the stimulus and try to see if any of the answer choices fit the game. Maybe I misinterpreted a Sub conclusion for a main conclusion or something to see if there is anything I overlooked.

    There is another post from 7sage on NA questions. Can be found here:
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