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teakogun1teakogun1 Member
edited December 2016 in February 2017 LSAT 35 karma
Hey everyone
I am trying 7sage after taking the LSAT two times, 143 on my first with little studying and 149 with two months studying on my second.
I will be taking the Feb LSAT fro the third time. I am aiming to improve to the 160's. MY worst section is the Logical reasoning. I feel like i have room to improve on the RC and LG section but i am totally clueless with the LR.

I am also hoping i can find a community here that i can share problems with and keep me accountable.
I will be aiming to post here everyday with my activities and progress.

Please give me any tips on how I can improve on the LR and RC so i can reach my target score.
I will be using the 7sage lsat schedule to study

Thanks Tosin.


  • inactiveinactive Alum Member
    12637 karma
    Don't take the Feb. LSAT until you're consistently scoring at or over your target score with strict timing, otherwise you'll have used up all 3 takes and will need to wait to take it again. (Plus it doesn't look very good to schools if you have 4 takes!)

    The other students can give you much better advice than I can, so look out for their posts!
  • teakogun1teakogun1 Member
    35 karma
    Thanks @"Dillon A. Wright"
    I aim on going to Law school next year August.

    I am taking it in Feb in order to get my applications out as soon as possible.

    Do you think I can improve between now and Feb to reach my target score? if there is a path to improvement ii am willing to work towards it no mater how much work it takes.

    Any advice?
  • SamiSami Yearly + Live Member Sage 7Sage Tutor
    10801 karma
    I actually think its very possible. So I would keep studying, working through the curriculum and taking Practice test to see how you are doing. I think the jump from 150-160 was the fastest for me and took me two months. So its doable.

    Just make sure to keep things in perspective. If you are not getting that score in practice test in two months; Is it the score you are committed to or the application cycle regardless of the outcome?
  • SprinklesSprinkles Alum Member
    11542 karma
    Welcome to 7sage! :D
    @"Dillon A. Wright" said:
    Don't take the Feb. LSAT until you're consistently scoring at or over your target score with strict timing, otherwise you'll have used up all 3 takes and will need to wait to take it again. (Plus it doesn't look very good to schools if you have 4 takes!)

    Yes. Absolutely. I'm usually not a big fan of the Feb LSAT anyway because it's nondisclosed and much later in the cycle, and I will even say this for someone who has taken the LSAT once or twice before.
    So 7sage is actually really strong in LR comprehension, JY himself says its 7sage's strongest aspect in the core curriculum so I'm sure you'll find it beneficial as you go through the lessons. Plus you'll have this great forum to help you along the way <3
  • teakogun1teakogun1 Member
    35 karma
    @Sami Thank you Sami, I also feel I should be able to grow and improve to my Target score.

    I am more inclined to commit to the cycle, but I will have to consider my options at the time if i don't make my score. I do intend on going to law school but after the Feb test I will evaluate the situation and see what the best financial and academic act is best for my situation.
  • teakogun1teakogun1 Member
    35 karma
    @montaha.rizeq Thank you Montaha
    I do hope so. I have used the 7sage logic games and it helped me tremendously. Hopefully LR is the same way.
  • rachie_rednograchie_rednog Free Trial Member
    18 karma
    @teakogun1 I am in the same boat as you! I scored a 142 on my first LSAT (Dec. 2015) with little to no prep, and just took it for the second time this Dec. 2016 LSAT.

    I am signing up for the Feb. 2017 LSAT with the hopes I improved my score enough to cancel, but I plan to continue my studying and take it for the third time in Feb. and improve my score even more.

    I've done a lot of research on the pros and cons of doing this and research has told me that taking this route is best for me, so make sure you take the time and research for your specific situation!
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