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Waiting...waiting. What do you guys do while waiting for December results?

El DuderinoEl Duderino Alum Member
in General 137 karma
I took my first LSAT, this December. I am staying optimistist about the result, hoping I will score enough to get into the school I will me applying. But then again, there is always a chance I might have to take it again. I decided not to mess with February since, I want to take a break and on top of that, I don't think I can improve my score substantially. Wondering, what do you guys do while waiting for the results?

The dude


  • kmob561kmob561 Alum Member
    10 karma
    I am taking advantage of the waiting period by reviewing my personal statements and applications in general...just kidding! I've been playing video games like non-stop! Good luck on getting your target score, but if you do have to retake I think it is probably a great idea to take a little break before retaking the LSAT, aim for June or September and steadily develop a mastery of the skills needed for LSAT success!

    My best,

  • El DuderinoEl Duderino Alum Member
    137 karma
    @kmob561 lol. Well I have tried completely not to think about it. But you know the drill, anticipation , anticipation...yea, if I do have to retake it, I will go for June. My school has a late deadline so that works out great for me. I put in about 5 months of work last time around. Next time around will be the final try. Well, last famous words, right? Thanks for your input. Enjoy your VGs.

    The dude
  • Tinyosi1Tinyosi1 Alum Member
    235 karma
    I've been filling time with:

    1. Schoolwork. It is my senior year so I've been nicely busy with tons of end of semester papers and tests. These coming two weeks I have 3 papers and 2 finals so...yeah.

    2. Work. I work the weekends so that occupies about half of 3 days right there.

    3. Exercise. I like to exercise 3-5 days a week. It helps me relieve stress and improves my mood(not only because of the immediate effects but because I like being in shape)

    4. Any leisure I couldn't do before. Just like @kmob561 I am a fan of video games and have been taking a week to indulge myself HEAVILY.
  • El DuderinoEl Duderino Alum Member
    137 karma
    @Tinyosi1 wow! Sounds like you gotta pretty packed schedule. Good luck on your finals! Work definitely keeps me mostly busy; since I work fulll time and have been through the preparation for last 5 months. I guess you can't speed up time, lol just gotta wait it out. Thanks for your input.
    The dude
  • 224 karma
    I took the september test and sufficiently lost my marbles while waiting. I was an absolute mess for 24 days until the test scores were released. All of that anticipation, anxiety and waiting for a score 8 points below my PT average. Suffice to say, I was devastated. This time around, I have been shockingly calm about everything. From test day, to score releases... everything! And my lack of shits given have resulted in a much happier, more productive life. I also think my new found state of goose fraba allowed me to score exactly where I needed to.

    For our purposes though (our meaning those of us applying this cycle) we need to be desperately working on Resume's and PS.

    Go in peace my friends
  • El DuderinoEl Duderino Alum Member
    137 karma
    @onecallthatsall I have been working on giving less shits as possible. Being the first test, I just has so many questions even after the test itself. But I guess, knowing the fact that it's over and nothing I can do about it, helps to stay less anxious.
    Take away: give less shits.

    The dude
  • Renee M.Renee M. Alum Member
    103 karma
    Freak out, doubt myself, and conclude that I'll never get into law school. But most of the time I try and stay positive and work on my neglected mental health and LSAT PTSD. Also drink, occasionally heavily. Isn't the wait fun?
  • TheLoftGuyTheLoftGuy Alum Member
    698 karma
    Started laying the ground work for a nonprofit. Work never ends
  • El DuderinoEl Duderino Alum Member
    137 karma
    @"Renee M." yes, and yes. It's definitely fun, the potent mixture of failure, success, optimism and possible disappointment cannot be more reflective after taking the LSAT. But oh well, universe tend to have a funny bone sometimes. Cheers to occasional heavy drinking!

    The dude
  • El DuderinoEl Duderino Alum Member
    137 karma
    @TheLoftGuy thats awesome man. Putting the wait to proper use! Cheers mate!

    The dude
  • Cant Get RightCant Get Right Yearly + Live Member Sage 🍌 7Sage Tutor
    28066 karma
    Here, this is everything I've got on the subject:
  • mk940808mk940808 Alum Member
    209 karma
    Finishing up with finals, watching endless Netflix to "motivate" myself. Idk if it's Stockholm syndrome or what but I kinda miss the LSAT. I spent so much time on it that it feels like something is missing haha
  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma
    I haven't taken the real exam yet, but a bunch of my friends who did are using this downtime to finish up apps and hang out with friends, going to bars, seeing movies.. Basically doing stuff they didn't do while prepping :)
  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma
    @mk940808 said:
    Idk if it's Stockholm syndrome or what but I kinda miss the LSAT.
    You wouldn't believe how many people end up missing this test. I think it might be partly Stockholm syndrome, but I think we genuinely start to enjoy this test in some sick way, haha.
  • El DuderinoEl Duderino Alum Member
    137 karma
    @"Cant Get Right" thats an amazing post. Thanks bud!

    The dude
  • El DuderinoEl Duderino Alum Member
    137 karma
    @mk940808 right on! That sounds about right for me as well. It's like a warrior after the war has ended, waiting for his legacy to come into light ;)

    The dude
  • El DuderinoEl Duderino Alum Member
    137 karma
    @"Alex Divine" for sure man. The thrill from Lsat is unmatched.
    The dude
  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma
    @"El Duderino" said:
    @"Alex Divine" for sure man. The thrill from Lsat is unmatched.
    The dude
    The dude has spoken! haha Love that movie btw haha
  • TheMikeyTheMikey Alum Member
    4196 karma
    work on your apps
  • lawschoolstuff16lawschoolstuff16 Alum Member
    328 karma
    treat yo self
  • El DuderinoEl Duderino Alum Member
    137 karma
    @"Alex Divine" for sure man! sometimes you eat the bear....sometimes bear eats you.

  • El DuderinoEl Duderino Alum Member
    137 karma
    @TheMikey thanks for the input Mikey. I am working on some.

    The dude
  • El DuderinoEl Duderino Alum Member
    137 karma
    @lawschoolstuff16 oh trust me I have been Splurging!

    The dude
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