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What does POE mean?

julsnet2julsnet2 Member
in General 72 karma
I keep seeing people write in the comments section "POE"...what does this mean


  • bruingirl1205bruingirl1205 Alum Member
    444 karma
    Process of elimination. Meaning you get to the right answer by eliminating the wrong answer choices.
  • desire2learndesire2learn Member
    1171 karma
    Correct. It means you get rid of the 4 wrong answers and are left with the 1 potentially less awful option. Getting to answers this way is much tougher and often involves much less certainty.
  • julsnet2julsnet2 Member
    72 karma
    thanks guys
  • Creasey LSATCreasey LSAT Member
    423 karma
    Prison of Elders (Destiny shoutout)
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