Finishing the curriculum is an enormous accomplishment and you should be proud of yourself when you reach that milestone. But it can quickly start to feel a lot like this: curriculum provides step by step instruction, not only on the concepts that must be mastered to beat the LSAT, but also on knowing exactly what to be doing in order to progress through your studies. Now that you're done, you're going to have to determine that for yourself, and how well you do that is enormously consequential. It is different for everyone, so this will not be ABC instructions to what to do after the curriculum. Rather, I hope it can serve as a guide for identifying the most effective study strategies for yourself based on your individual level and performance.
So I'm Done with the Curriculum. Now What?
Tuesday, Dec 20, 8:00 PM EST
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Thanks @"Cant Get Right"
Sounds like a great topic for a webinar. However, I may not be able to attend it. I was wondering if this will be recorded?
Here's a link:
It's looking like I'll be late for the party tonight, but I have no curfew (for once), so I hope you'll all still be chatting by the time I can connect!
Your 3 phases for post Curriculum provide a valuable metric to gauge what steps to take to achieve your goals on actual test day!~
This webinar is not just for people beginning their PT phase. As a Phase 3 tester, I learned so much! Looking forward to when it is uploaded for everyone to watch.
Thank you Josh:)
Thank you!! This was awesome and incredible!!
When the recording comes out I am going to take a bunch of notes!
please let me know when the webinar will be coming out. Thank you
Will do!
@"Cant Get Right" Hey Josh! When will this webinar be posted? I will be finishing my CC this week and was trying to find this webinar to watch. Thanks!
@"Cant Get Right" I attended this webinar but I didn't take notes
why is it not posted?
Dude, I wish I took notes
@"Cant Get Right" You have to do another one of these and record it! This was the MOST enlightening webinar I've ever attended. I loved how you broke everything down into phases and such!
@"Cant Get Right" @"Alex Divine" Yes, please! I'm almost finished going through the CC again and I need to know those phases!