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If you know you did poorly on the December LSAT and are thinking of taking it in February...

amedley88amedley88 Alum Member
in General 378 karma
Hey everyone! This website and forum are amazing and have been very encouraging. So here's my story: I have been very slow at studying for the LSAT. I completed university (BA and MA), worked in social services for two years and dropped everything to study LSAT. I gave myself from August - December to do the Dec LSAT, during which I read the Powerscore books once, studied awfully without Blind Review until I came across 7sage in early November and by that time, burnout began to kick in. I have now fully gotten into the 7sage way of studying but I became burned out before the December test and didn't prepare as thoroughly as I could have. My diagnostic was at a 147 (low, I know) and I have only recently gotten into the mid-high 150s. I applied to Ontario law schools for September 2017 and am thinking of taking the February LSAT. Logic Games is my worst section followed by Logical Reasoning, I'm surprisingly decent at Reading Comprehension and am typically -5 (still room for improvement though). Is it worth it to take the February LSAT and take it in June if I don't do well? I am hoping to get at least low 160s. Or should I just get a refund and take the June LSAT to give myself more time. I just feel very rushed right now and know I can improve drastically after learning how to BR properly and after doing the fool-proof method for the LG section. I know these problems are insignificant but I just need some advice lol


  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma
    @alex.medley said:
    Or should I just get a refund and take the June LSAT to give myself more time. I just feel very rushed right now and know I can improve drastically after learning how to BR properly and after doing the fool-proof method for the LG section. I know these problems are insignificant but I just need some advice lol
    This gets my vote! If you feel rushed, give yourself the time you need. You deserve it!

    I've literally never heard of anyone who regretted giving themselves more time to prepare for this test. Give yourself until June and you''ll kill it - especially now that you seem to be on the right track with BR, fool proofing, and the CC.

  • amedley88amedley88 Alum Member
    edited December 2016 378 karma
    This gets my vote! If you feel rushed, give yourself the time you need. You deserve it!

    I've literally never heard of anyone who regretted giving themselves more time to prepare for this test. Give yourself until June and you''ll kill it - especially now that you seem to be on the right track with BR, fool proofing, and the CC.
    Thanks! I'm thinking this is the way to go, but would it hurt to do the February LSAT if I'm already preparing for it? At the least it will ensure that I do a solid month of intense preparation, especially on the logic games. I'm just wondering if there is any downside to this? I have already resigned myself to the fact that I will likely need to write it in June to achieve my full potential. In other words, are three LSAT scores within one calendar year a red flag on a law school application?
  • SprinklesSprinkles Alum Member
    11542 karma
    @alex.medley said:
    I just feel very rushed right now and know I can improve drastically after learning how to BR properly and after doing the fool-proof method for the LG section.
    This is why you shouldn't take in February. Anyone who rushes to take the LSAT will likely screw up (speaking from experience). Give yourself more time and June should be your first (possibly last) take! :)
    @alex.medley said:
    I know these problems are insignificant but I just need some advice lol
    Not insignificant. Anytime you need advice the forum is here to help :)
  • SprinklesSprinkles Alum Member
    11542 karma
    @alex.medley said:
    I have already resigned myself to the fact that I will likely need to write it in June to achieve my full potential. In other words, are three LSAT scores within one calendar year a red flag on a law school application?
    The way you talk about the Feb LSAT makes me confident you really don't want to take it yet haha - don't do it. Save yourself a bad score and wait it out a little longer. Although nowadays law schools only take your highest score, having 1 solid score vs. 1 good score after 1 or 2 bad scores will always look better on your part.
  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    edited December 2016 23929 karma
    @alex.medley said:
    but would it hurt to do the February LSAT if I'm already preparing for it? At the least it will ensure that I do a solid month of intense preparation, especially on the logic games. I'm just wondering if there is any downside to this?
    You don't want to waste a take if you're not going to be ready. Ensure you're going to get a good month of prep in because you want to ultimately score that 160+ in June.
    Also, you don't want a bad LSAT score on your record. I'm pretty sure Ontario Law School, for example, considers all LSAT scores. So it would hurt your chances to have a potentially bad score on your record.

    One thing I've realized that people who take this test and hit their target score have in common is that they feel ready. They feel it in their bones. There is no doubt they are ready to take this test. People who sit before they are ready tend to have more test anxiety and test day drop. At least from what I've seen.

    Lastly, the fact LG is your worse section can actually be seen as a positive. Often people find that LG is the easiest to improve on and RC (your best section) the hardest. So you'll be in a good spot if you use the 7Sage LG methods, fool proof games, and put the necessary time in. If you're in the mid-150s now, you can hit that 160 by June for sure.

  • J. TharpJ. Tharp Alum Member
    575 karma
    Just wait! Don't take it again until you're averaging your goal score!
  • TheLoftGuyTheLoftGuy Alum Member
    edited December 2016 698 karma
    I agree with everyone else. Wait until June. This sounds like me earlier this year. @montaha.rizeq
  • SprinklesSprinkles Alum Member
    edited December 2016 11542 karma
    @TheLoftGuy said:
    This sounds like me earlier this year.
    Haha ;) nothing to remember from the past except what you learn from it!
  • steve-10steve-10 Alum Member
    192 karma
    Sorry if being already registered for Feb. is implicit in the question, but it's now too late to register for it.
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