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LR Study Guide..Help!!

suratijrsuratijr Alum Member
edited December 2014 in February 2015 LSAT 11 karma
The most difficult for me is the Logical Reasoning and I was wondering if anyone had a perfected study guide for me use. I would really appreciate it! Im taking the LSAT in February and am in dying need of help on this one section as of now!


    43 karma
    Someone posted a day or two ago. Just look in the discussion list.
  • jsperlingjsperling Free Trial Member
    31 karma
    Yes I have been looking for the study guide as well
  • jdawg113jdawg113 Alum Inactive ⭐
    2654 karma
    there is no "perfect" study guide as people approach and learn differently. I suggest looking into Manhattan LR if you're still having trouble
  • harrismeganharrismegan Member
    2074 karma
    I have the LR study guide that has been floating around. If you send me an e-mail (meganh@renouflaw.com) i'll be more than happy to pass a copy to you.
  • jsperlingjsperling Free Trial Member
    31 karma
    Has anyone reviewed Manhattan LR? Is it more beneficial than 7Sage?
  • jdawg113jdawg113 Alum Inactive ⭐
    2654 karma
    @jsperling I have only read the beginning of it but it seems pretty solid and is generally well regarded... is it more beneficial than 7sage? hard to say as everyone learns differently. It may be, it could be equally beneficial, could be a perfect match to go with 7sage. hard to say without fully reading it and going through the course. Though I have not seen anything really negative about it. But I also have found 7sage to be very helpful, sometimes you just need that extra push
  • jsperlingjsperling Free Trial Member
    31 karma
    @harrismegan I sent you an email but still not have received the LR study guide. Can anyone else help me out?
  • jsperlingjsperling Free Trial Member
    31 karma
    @jdawg113 Is there a free Manhattan LR pdf? I am looking to get access to it
  • jdawg113jdawg113 Alum Inactive ⭐
    2654 karma
    if you go on amazon you can check out the very beginning to get a feel for it
  • jsperlingjsperling Free Trial Member
    31 karma
    @jdawg113 I am trying to get a perfect score on the LG section. I have done LG prep tests 60-74 with J.Y.'s videos? Do you have any input on whether this is sufficient?
  • jdawg113jdawg113 Alum Inactive ⭐
    2654 karma
    well I mean what are you currently looking at? what test you going for? what are you currently going in LG? is it timing? are you not seeing inferences? JY's method is solid, just gotta really work with it (if doing just LG should be doing lower ones as to not ruin full PT material) but all games are versions of other games so you really wanna get down the inference making and get ideas of how to set up different scenarios. You want to be able to see a new game, think of another game it is similar to, and boom, get diagramming and such (and not make stupid mistakes... I go -3/4 in LR and I'm pumped, I go -1/2 on LG and get pissed, don't overlook the minor details and take ur time)
  • jsperlingjsperling Free Trial Member
    31 karma
    i received a 161 on Sept lsat and am taking Feb lsat but I need to improve on LR..looking for helpful notes or tips you might be able to share
  • jdawg113jdawg113 Alum Inactive ⭐
    2654 karma
    never really went through this thread but bookmarked it... http://7sage.com/discussion/#/discussion/259/cheat-sheet-lr-question-types
  • jsperlingjsperling Free Trial Member
    31 karma
    yeah i have looked through this before..all knowledge I already know. Im concerned on how what different information the Manhattan LR or the Trainer provides
  • blah170blahblah170blah Alum Inactive ⭐
    3545 karma
    @jsperling What information are you looking for? I've perused both books so maybe I could shed some light
  • jdawg113jdawg113 Alum Inactive ⭐
    2654 karma
    I doubt its really different information, with LSAT its more about the approach and getting the information to click, different companies do it in different ways, not with different info
  • jsperlingjsperling Free Trial Member
    31 karma
    Ive been through test masters and powerscore have not been completely satisfied. I have discovered 7Sage from my friend when he referenced how great logic game were and he obtained a near perfect score which I feel I can do. Ive learned countless approaches such as test masters and powerscore teaches us to NEVER read the question stem first but 7Sage does? Trying to find the best approach to each question to obtain maximum points besides identifying the premise and conclusion
  • harrismeganharrismegan Member
    2074 karma
    I have it on my work computer. If you e-mailed me between Friday and today, I can only e-mail it back tomorrow, but I will!
  • jdawg113jdawg113 Alum Inactive ⭐
    2654 karma
    @jsperling I feel as though you are looking at this test as a usual UG final or something. What you need to understand is how different this is. The information of what the test is, what the questions are asking for and what they involve is the same no matter what company you find out about it through. The differences are through the approaches and way it is explained. Now this is also not like other tests as its not "ok I have the info Im good to go" Nobody is the same and what may work for one may not work for another #basicLSAT Many companies and people do in-fact say stim->stem, it works better for them, and it may work better for you. Then of course there are people that say the reverse, stem->stim bc it works better for them (and me) What is important is finding the way that works best for YOU. A big reason why this isn't a test you study for a week and take it. there is an enormous amount of resources that say to do things a certain way, and most do help. Some just help specific people more so than other methods. Learning 7sage won't hurt you, at the very least you'll go through it all and go okay, yeah I get that but whats new? then go read(or even reread for many people) and something clicks and stuff seems so simple. What is involved in a NA question doesn't change from The Trainer to 7sage to Manhattan LR, its the way it is approached that clicks for some #rantover
  • jsperlingjsperling Free Trial Member
    31 karma
    @jdwag113 Thank you. @harrismegan Let me know when you send it tomorrow! Thank you! Do you also have the RC Study Guide as I saw an additional post pertaining to that?
  • susan777susan777 Alum Member
    edited January 2015 10 karma
    @harrismegan @jsperling can you e-mail me the LR study guide. Would really appreciate it! Thanks!!

  • arabprodigy30arabprodigy30 Alum Member
    243 karma
    can you email me the study guide too? Lsultani@masonlive.gmu.edu

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