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I was accepted to Harvard this morning!!!!! I couldn't have accomplished this without the awesome community at 7Sage and without JY's fantastic guidance. Thank you
PS: Thank YOU for giving back to this community as well!
That is awesome!!! Dude, you deserve it! You have been a major asset to this community. Harvard is lucky to have you!
I knew you were like:
That’s amazingggggg count me excited, and then jealous, and then excited again!!’ Congrats!
Congrats Thank you for this post. When i see acceptances it gives me the motivation to grind out another study session
Congratulations! Here I am procrastinating....trying to be like you! #GOALS
I can't thank you for all your help along my LSAT journey.... You are a hero and a friend, Dave! Congrats! No one deserves it more than you my man
Wow! Harvard! Congrats! What a great accomplishment!!!
Yeah, it's always good to have a safety school!
All kidding aside, that's great. All the best.
the come to jesus moment. Your webinar made join 7sage. Thanks for all your knowledge and insights and congrats!
Yessssssss!!! Congratulations!!
Wow! That's amazingly exciting to past employer went to Harvard. In fact, I believe his son is a 1L...Cervantez, from the Bay area. I can't imagine going back to the cold weather...hoping the Bay area will continue to treat me well. Congrats!
This is amazing!!! Honestly you're explanations have gotten me through so many questions so thank YOU! You deserve this so much, I know you will do amazing things
Congrats on your acceptance and thank you for the great input on your webinar! Good luck at Harvard!
This is absolutely fantastic! Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!
Awesome sauce!!
Congratulations !!!
Why doesn't this surprise me? Congrats, man!
Congratulations, well earned!
Congratulations!!! I’m so proud to be part of such an amazing community
Very cool! I also want to take this opportunity to thank you for the work that you've been doing here to help other students. Have you visited HLS yet?
Congratulations!! Well earned! Don’t forget about us!!
Great job!!!
Dave, big congratulations. I, like many others, watched your webinar and took both crucial insight and inspiration from it.
After watching your webinar, I kept an eye out for your comments under LR video explanations, often referencing your thought processes with my own. This website is mired in your LR comments, and it is completely for the better. Your efforts here will help hundreds of students in the years to come.
Don’t forget about the little folk when you go out and conquer the world! I’d say good luck, but you don’t need it. Have a great time in Bahstahn.
Congrats! Definitely well deserved.
Congratulations!!! Thank you for all your amazing contributions to this community!
Congratulations!!! Thank you for all the help you've given us in this community!
World's best cup of coffee!
you are such an inspiration! congratulations!!!
Congrats! When I see Louis Lott and Harvey in Suits, I will give a nod to you! You are truly amazing and an inspiration to everyone you encounter. Enjoy!
Thanks for the kind words everyone! I am truly honored!
Yes, I've actually visited every T14 law school.
This is awesome!!! Congrats!
That is a fantastic news. Huge congrats!