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Possible improvement from low 160s

andrew5555andrew5555 Member
edited January 2018 in General 14 karma


I took my first practice test last week and received roughly a 162-3. This was my first experience with the lsat in any form. I was very pressed for time on the lg section, but I finished the others with about 13 minutes left. I missed about the same number of questions on each section. I’ve already improved signifcantly on the lg section as a result of the 7sage curriculum, but my other scores haven’t made the same jump. I have time to review those sections but it hasn’t seemed to help. Will it be possible for me to get up to a 173 by this summer?


  • OhnoeshalpmeOhnoeshalpme Alum Member
    2531 karma

    If you're finishing each section with 13 minutes left, you're going through too fast. What was your BR Score?

    399 karma

    It depends on how much time you are able to dedicate to the LSAT each week and what your weaknesses are. It's a good sign that you weren't a wizard at LG the first time you took it because LG is the easiest to improve on. If you are already making substantial gains in that area, your PT scores will reflect that. As far as LR and RC, trying to predict how long it will take for you to grasp the concepts is difficult because it varies from person to person greatly. But the fact that your finished with 13 minutes left on a couple sections while getting a 162 is pretty wild... If i did that, I would get like 5 correct, lol. You might benefit from trying again but just slowing down this time. The reason for doing so would give you a more realistic sense of what your score is because on test day you will likely use every second you have to review/check your work.

  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma

    @andrewjsetaro said:

    I took my first practice test last week and received roughly a 162-3. This was my first experience with the lsat in any form. I was very pressed for time on the lg section, but I finished the others with about 13 minutes left. I missed about the same number of questions on each section. I’ve already improved signifcantly on the lg section as a result of the 7sage curriculum, but my other scores haven’t made the same jump. I have time to review those sections but it hasn’t seemed to help. Will it be possible for me to get up to a 173 by this summer?

    Very possible if you have a good deal of time to study.

    You're going to absolutely kill this test if you study smart and hard.


  • andrew5555andrew5555 Member
    14 karma

    Thank you guys for the responses, my main worry is that with the LR, I have tried to be more methodical and take my time but it hasn't really helped. I haven't done a blind review because for the sections other than LG, time hasn't really been a constraint. I can anticipate the questions I might get wrong, and Ive spent extra time working through all the answers but I still get some wrong

  • LindsMitchLindsMitch Alum Member
    589 karma

    @andrewjsetaro Have you noticed a pattern in the types of questions you are missing in LR? Like Necessary Assumption, Flaw, etc.? Not sure how many PT's or LR sections you've taken so far, but isolating problem areas can be an eye-opener.

    Also have you gone through the Core Curriculum for the LR questions?

  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma

    @andrewjsetaro said:
    Thank you guys for the responses, my main worry is that with the LR, I have tried to be more methodical and take my time but it hasn't really helped. I haven't done a blind review because for the sections other than LG, time hasn't really been a constraint. I can anticipate the questions I might get wrong, and Ive spent extra time working through all the answers but I still get some wrong

    You need to learn actual skills and strategies to get these questions right. You clearly have a good intuition to do well on this test, but you're likely going to have to re-learn new ways to approach the questions. Go through the actual 7Sage course, do the problem sets, and practice drilling LR/LG using the strategies therein.

  • andrew5555andrew5555 Member
    14 karma

    I haven't done the Core Curriculum for LR yet, I've been focusing on LG since it seemed to be an easier area for immediate improvmenet

  • andrew5555andrew5555 Member
    14 karma

    @"Alex Divine" said:

    You need to learn actual skills and strategies to get these questions right. You clearly have a good intuition to do well on this test, but you're likely going to have to re-learn new ways to approach the questions. Go through the actual 7Sage course, do the problem sets, and practice drilling LR/LG using the strategies therein.

    Thanks, Ill definitely do that

  • hawaiihihawaiihi Free Trial Member
    978 karma

    I was in a similar place to you about a month ago (165 diagnostic, and I struggled to finish LGs too), and I've been scoring in the 170s on my PTs. I think you can do it, but don't be discouraged if once you really start studying on LR or RC, that you drop a little. That's happened to me--it's better not rely on intuition and to actually have real knowledge. You're in a good place, especially since you're making improvement on LG. Good luck!

  • lady macbethlady macbeth Alum Member
    894 karma

    162 diagnostic is awesome. I definitely think you can get a 173 in a few months! LG is my favorite section and it's also the most learnable one. If you're having trouble with It, I say print out several copies of each game and begin to foolproof them under untimed conditions. I think when I first started out logic games, I relied mostly on brute forcing my answers. And in a way, that helped me get -0 because after a while of brute forcing, seeing the important inferences came easier to me. Then diagramming became easier and splitting up master game boards, etc. Take your time and don't rush when It comes to trying to get to know the games untimed.

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