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Best Practices the week of the Exam

TheLSATerTheLSATer Alum Member

I am taking the exam this Saturday and I am feeling a bit anxious. What are some do's and don'ts the week leading to the exam? How would you recommend studying and how much to study? I am a slow starter (I need to warm up before a test) so I feel like I need to keep doing drills to keep my pace. However, I don't want to overwork myself. Any advice/suggestions is greatly appreciated!


  • LSATcantwinLSATcantwin Alum Member Sage
    13286 karma

    Chill! You will not learn anything new this week, I promise.

    Light drilling to keep your confidence up and your mind in the right spot is all I feel you should be doing.

    Relax, Saturday is just another PT. You've seen it all before, so why get bothered by it? No reason to!

    Spend your week enjoying yourself and getting your mind into a more relaxed state. This is advice I didn't take on my second attempt and I should have. When I relaxed for my third attempt I finally got the results I wanted on the test!

  • sbc.mom_3xsbc.mom_3x Alum Member
    1501 karma

    @LSATcantwin said:
    Chill! You will not learn anything new this week, I promise.

    Light drilling to keep your confidence up and your mind in the right spot is all I feel you should be doing.

    Can you elaborate on light drilling, some examples perhaps, please? I am curious of the same OP is asking. I just spent a week with the damn flu so I have not done anything for the past 3 days and am really regretting it thinking I am ruining my potential for Saturday. I had a whole bunch of LRs and LGs printed out that would have been reasonable to complete the past few days so I know not to cram all those in now since I didn't do them. I'm finally better today and have a plethora of free time until Saturday, although I have plans to take a solo trip to see The Last Jedi on Friday as that's my relaxation day for sure. But until then, what can I be doing? Specifically. 3 to 4 LR sections, 10 or so games? I've got all hours of the day the next 3 days, what should I do?

    Sorry for hijacking your post @TheLSATer

  • westcoastbestcoastwestcoastbestcoast Alum Member
    3788 karma

    Spend some time to relax. Maybe hang out with friends a little bit to get your mind off the exam. Its natural to feel nervous and anxious close to test day but you dont want excessive nerves to freeze you on exam day or keep you from sleeping. Just like with weighlifting and alot of performance based endeavors, its actually beneficial to taper off your work capacity so that your body and mind can feel fully refreshed to perform on D day

  • LSATcantwinLSATcantwin Alum Member Sage
    13286 karma

    @"sbc.mom_3x" said:

    Can you elaborate on light drilling, some examples perhaps, please? I am curious of the same OP is asking. I just spent a week with the damn flu so I have not done anything for the past 3 days and am really regretting it thinking I am ruining my potential for Saturday. I had a whole bunch of LRs and LGs printed out that would have been reasonable to complete the past few days so I know not to cram all those in now since I didn't do them. I'm finally better today and have a plethora of free time until Saturday, although I have plans to take a solo trip to see The Last Jedi on Friday as that's my relaxation day for sure. But until then, what can I be doing? Specifically. 3 to 4 LR sections, 10 or so games? I've got all hours of the day the next 3 days, what should I do?

    In the week leading up to the Dec test I did like 2 pages of LR a day. (like 8-9 questions) I did like 2 LG a day (ones I had already done) and one RC passage.
    Some days I would go even lighter than that. From Thursday until Sat I didn't even touch the LSAT...does this help?

  • pioneer321pioneer321 Free Trial Member
    328 karma

    Relax! That's surprisingly important. Now, just how easy should you take it during this last week, is kinda personal. Some people recommend the entire week being very light, others only a few days. For example, I knew that for me taking 1 day off was ideal (I would somehow feel a little rust after taking 2+ days) so PT'd and drilled like normal through Thursday, then didn't do anything all Friday, and just a short warm-up Saturday morning. I've seen many others on this forum doing much less though, and get fantastic results. Definitely don't burn yourself into the ground by trying to cram in the last week - that is the literally worst thing you can do (spoken from prior experience).

    Also, and this is easier said than done, but try to get some some good sleep the night of the test. A sleepless night can wreck havoc, especially if you are used to taking your PTs well rested.

    Throughout the week, try to focus on all the positive results you have accomplished in your prep, and remind yourself that it wasn't for nothing.

    Good luck during the final week of your prep!

  • mcglz_64mcglz_64 Alum Member
    891 karma

    Look at maps for your testing center, do easy excersises. Sleep well, eat well.

  • sbc.mom_3xsbc.mom_3x Alum Member
    1501 karma

    @LSATcantwin said:
    In the week leading up to the Dec test I did like 2 pages of LR a day. (like 8-9 questions) I did like 2 LG a day (ones I had already done) and one RC passage.
    Some days I would go even lighter than that. From Thursday until Sat I didn't even touch the LSAT...does this help?

    Yes thanks! Starting Thursday I will not touch LSAT material and won't feel guilty about it :)

  • TheLSATerTheLSATer Alum Member
    137 karma

    Thank you all so much! This has been very helpful. Best of luck to everyone taking the test on Saturday!:)

  • studyingandrestudyingstudyingandrestudying Core Member
    5254 karma

    Have you been to the testing center? I hear that's a great way to reduce worries. Also, maybe vitamin C to help in your continued recovery from the flu.

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