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Which one should I study first?

yypc2001yypc2001 Member
in General 9 karma

I want to take the test in June. I know I need to study a lot for the LR and RC. I did not do well in any of those two section. Should I study LG first then LR. Or LR then LG. Strength my LG and LR. Need your advise.


  • OhnoeshalpmeOhnoeshalpme Alum Member
    2531 karma

    Work through the Core Curriculum as it is ordered. JY is very intetional about the order that we see the material. You don't have to do all of the questions in each section before moving on, but i'd do at least half.

    Once you're finished with the Core Curriculum, I'd recommend watching:

    It provides a great foundation for post-CC study.

    Good Luck!

  • Habeas PorpoiseHabeas Porpoise Alum Member Sage
    1866 karma

    I also recommend working through the CC as it's ordered. It might also help us if you give us an overview of how many point you're missing in each section.

    Getting a perfect score in LG is definitely attainable, if you haven't gotten there yet. LG was my worst section and foolproofing has worked for me.

    LR is largely logic and strategy. If you haven't had a course in formal logic, you definitely want to pay close attention to the lessons on logic in the CC. If you've taken some PTs, you can enter the scores into Analytics and see if you're missing a particular question-type.

    RC is probably the hardest to give advice for, since it seems to be pretty individualized. The most universal advice, though, is to read for structure. I recommend watching some of the webinars regarding RC:
    RC has always been my best section, but I wrote my drilling method on this post if you want to take a look. It's adapted from a couple Sage's methods:

  • SamiSami Yearly + Live Member Sage 7Sage Tutor
    10801 karma

    Up to you. I would say divide you week between LG and LR first. LR is one of the most dynamic sections because it has so many components. Once you have fool-proofed LG, simply switch LG days for RC. RC is tough but it does not have as many things to learn as LR.

    Don't forget to keep up your LG skills as they tend to wane. After you have fool-proofed LG, do at least a game if not a LG section a day to keep up your skills.

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