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"Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not: nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not: the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent." - Calvin Coolidge
So when you are sitting there, stuck on a hard LR problem. When you are perplexed by a logic game. When you have no idea what you just read about in reading comp. (Still not sure why Elline Gray was putting licorice on wood) Remember that it is your persistence to push through that will make or break you. Ram your head against a brick wall enough, eventually it will break. So go about your studies in the most efficient manner you possibly can, but just remember your determination and persistence are there to back you up; to push you past those road blocks. As everyone always says, the LSAT is beatable. YOU can beat it.
You got this!
Thanks for this. I really needed it.
love this.
It's true, doe.
@Ignatius Not a problem
I try and sprinkle some motivation in whenever I get the chance. It kept me going toward my score, and I'm hoping it will help others!
@tringo335 I remember you saying something like, "I hope you are around until June." I'm still here and don't plan on leaving any time soon!!
@goingfor99th Right? a lot of the time I wonder if the trait most high scorers have in common is determination rather than a "gift for logic"....makes me curious some times (mostly because I'm not smart and I got a 170 after MANY MANY attempts...haha)
Thank you, I really appreciated that.
'Genius' is a tricky concept. Much like Calvin, I think genius is properly understood as a combination of many exceptional traits--with 'grit' as perhaps the most important one. You are smarter than you think, I think. :]
Thank you:)
missed you @LSATcantwin !! thank you for the motivating words
Thanks for the motivation
Love the sentiment, but it turns my stomach that it’s from Calvin Coolidge, who, among other things, was a xenophobic white nationalist who signed the Johnson-Reed Act into law.
Lots of people have said really wise things about persistence and perseverance - let’s crowdsource some of them!
In the 1920's isolationism was a very popular view in the United States. President Coolidge was elected into office after WW1 - a war America was reluctant to enter - and that was very unpopular with many Americans. A common theme and sentiment after WW1 was to keep America to itself, this theme stretched across both political parties and was common all the way until the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor in 1941.
President Coolidge was known to be small government minded, but opposed groups such as the KKK. He spoke in favor of civil rights groups.
To call one man xenophobic, and to attribute the hate solely to him is unfair. America as a whole was rather xenophobic in the 1920's. President Coolidge, an elected official, was merely a representation of that. And the bills he passed and signed into effect can be attributed to congress and the people as much as to him.
That being said, I am sorry you have distaste for President Coolidge. I still believe his words are powerful and apply very well to everyone studying for the LSAT.
Please do not take this to mean that I support isolationism, or xenophobia. I support neither.
So crazy.... Anne Marie Schubert (Sacramento District Attorney) just quoted this a couple days ago during her speech at Mock Trial closing ceremony.
@LSATcantwin Natural born DA much?
Thank you!
@LSATcantwin Wasn’t that image your avatar at some point?? I miss it! Come back from the dark side!
I always think of JFK's Moon Speech
"We choose to go to the Moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard; because that goal will serve to organize and measure the best of our energies and skills, because that challenge is one that we are willing to accept, one we are unwilling to postpone, one we intend to win"
I'm starting to get anxious with the June test approaching. I've been banging my head against the brick wall very diligently for past month and managed to break down a few walls; but now my head's been broken open with its inner content strewn across the debris of said broken wall as collateral damage. I'm going to stuff the mush back into its original container and head to the beach for a few days. I'm hoping that'll help. Good luck everyone on your studies!
@Hamaseh_S I wouldn’t mind being a DA for awhile! Lol
@akistotle yes it was haha, Fallout is a great series...I prefer the Sith though. The dark side is the true path to power!
Have you thought of being a part time motivational speaker @LSATcantwin You speak with the conviction and charisma of Palpatine. You have the fiery spit of hope that Rey has as well! haha
I've read this quote before but not attributed to Calvin Coolidge. Looked it up and sure enough it has other origins:
The hope is just a disguise. I can't reveal my true intentions until "I AM THE SENATE"
Also, I am part-time motivational speaker! On 7Sage!
Haha you are lucky that you are so powerful. I'm just a run of the mill stormtrooper trying to make a living.
@LSATcantwin that is a great message. Thank you so much for sharing! It feels good to read those words after a long week of working hard and feeling tired....but determined.
I love these posts! Thanks for your great attitude @LSATcantwin!! I bookmark your motivational posts and read them over and over again in my times of need.
Just came across this, exactly what I needed after feeling defeated yesterday. A little late, but thank you!
Fuck yeah.
Really needed this with 1.5 weeks to go until the exam, thanks!