PT19.S1.Q15 (G3) - If exactly three children are assigned to boat 1

GrumpySnailGrumpySnail Alum Member
edited April 2018 in Logic Games 100 karma

Why is the answer C instead of E?
According to my game board set up (and JY's set up) both C and E would work just fine because W gets to trade off with V, and that makes both HW and YW possible.
Can anyone please shed some light on this question for me? I am just super confused with it now.

Here's the link to the video:

Admin note: edited title for formatting.


  • GrumpySnailGrumpySnail Alum Member
    edited March 2018 100 karma

    ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I just realized that the question was asking assignment to boat 2, not both 2 and 1. This is such a stupid question can't believe I got stuck with it lol

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