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LG Fool Proofing question

just.jaubsjust.jaubs Alum Member
in Logic Games 38 karma

Hi everyone,

I've started fool proofing the logic games. But I'm curious to know: how many games do you tend to FP at a time? Obviously, I can only drill a game a few times a day to not just straight up memorize it.

What are your approaches? Do you go through only 5 games at a time before moving on to a new batch? Or 10 games? More? Do you visit the old games after you've fool proofed them? I'm struggling to find a good way to rotate through without worrying that I'm taking on either too many or not enough at time. (I have the LG bundle)

What was your method and what do you suggest? Your advice is greatly appreciated!



  • akistotleakistotle Member 🍌🍌
    9382 karma

    Hi @just.jaubs,

    I don't know if you've seen this post already, but I used @Pacifico's Logic Games Attack Strategy:

    And I used this Excel sheet posted by @Sprinkles:

    Hey guys! Sorry for the late reply, here is the spreadsheet on dropbox courtesy of @"Not Ralph Nader" :grin: Games Bundle Tracker.xlsx?dl=0

  • Return On InferenceReturn On Inference Alum Member
    503 karma

    I've been doing 4 games per day from PTs 1-35, plus the games that are associated with the PTs I take.

    To save paper, I use 'transparency pockets' which let me put my games into a transparent folder, then I use a dry erase marker to do the game. That lets me save a lot of paper when fool-proofing the games.

    My process is:

    In the morning, I begin by doing 4-8 games of the previous day to warm up. If I finish the game under time and with 100% accuracy, then I take the game out of the transparency pocket and put it into a pile of games.

    Then, I begin attempting fresh takes of new games in the transparency pockets, usually 4 games per day. If I can go -0 and under time, then I will discard that game. If not, then I attempt the game again and again until I can get it -0 and under time, then I put the game into a pile of games with transparency pockets for warming up the next day.

    After a week of doing this, you should accumulate a pretty big pile of preliminary fool-proofed games (the ones I take out of the transparency pockets and place into a pile). I then turn over my pile and will do a few games that should be 7-10 days old by now. If I finish -0 and under time, then I discard the game. If I make a mistake or go over time, then it goes back into a transparency pocket and back on top of the transparency pile.

    This whole process takes me like 3-4 hours in to do.

    Lastly, at night I also like to do one more attempt of the fresh games that I do that day.

    I am not a whiz at games yet, but I have made good improvements so far. I used to go -18+, now it's down to ~-5-8 per section.

  • just.jaubsjust.jaubs Alum Member
    edited March 2018 38 karma

    @"Return On Inference" thanks very much! This helps. 4-8 games per day and your method of rotation was the kind of answer/example I was looking for. I shall try that, thanks so much for sharing. And @akistotle, no I had not yet found that excel sheet, so thank you as well!

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