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I'm in at UChicago and I couldn't be happier. Thank you so much to 7Sage, both to the curriculum that helped me do well on the LSAT and the AMAZING community that has given me advice, helped me through struggles, and generally kept me sane through this whole process.
Thank you all!
Great news!! Whats your scholarship and can you PM stats?
@westcoastbestcoast Haven't heard back scholarship yet, won't until next week at the earliest. Stats are in your inbox!
@BinghamtonDave @Emily2122 @goingfor99th THANK YOU!!!
Many congrats on that! Great news!!!!
oh my gosh!!!!!
congratulations! that's one of my top choices. can you PM me your stats too? if you don't mind 
Paul for President! Congrats my man!
Congrats mate!
Congrats! I've been following your posts for awhile. They're very helpful! Do you mind sending me your stats?
I am new, but from what I know, you earned it!! Congratulations.
Congratulations, Paul! Can you PM stats?
Congrats!!! That's amazing!!! Could I also get a PM of your stats?
This is so amazing! Congrats!!!!!
Thanks everybody!
I think I should have pm'd stats to everyone who requested. If not just lemme know!
Congratulations, Paul! That's amazing! If you wouldn't mind PMing your stats and your #1 tip for LSAT success, I'd appreciate that.
Really happy for you man. You earned it.
Congrats! It’s such a great school and city to live in.
Please PM me your state or LSN profile, if you have one. It would help. Thanks.
Paul!!!!! CONGRATS!!!! Wow!!!
Congrats! Could you also please inbox your stats if you don't mind? Thank you!
Thanks again everybody
. Stats should be in inboxes now. I've gotten some requests for tips on the interview - I'll probably write up an in-depth post about it in the next few days with some tips, tricks, and my general experience.
Thanks again!
would appreciate if u could pm me too! thanks
Great news! Happy to hear this.
Congratulations! Could you also PM me stats as well?
You have no idea how much I envy you right now. Congratulations!
Incidentally, is it too late to request for your PM?
@"Los Pollos Hermanos" @lsatplaylist @FixedDice Thank you!
Stats in your inboxes!