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Switching from CC to PT w/ BR

sberg2014sberg2014 Alum Member
in General 63 karma

I've gone through a lot of the CC, but there's a lot that I've skipped. I'm not -0 in any sections, but I understand the main concepts and am in more need of the hands on practice. For instance, I've skipped a lot of the videos about setting up logic games. I understand the basic concepts behind setting them up, it's just not 100% intuitive yet. I still mess up a ton, and I'm still fool proofing the early tests. At this point, do you think it's appropriate to keep fool proofing and doing blind reviews, or should I ensure that I throughly go through the parts of the CC that I haven't already? I'm taking the June LSAT.

With no time constraints or with BR, I'm
-4/5 RC
-1/2 LG
-3 LR
-3 LR
When did you switch from CC to pure PT and BR?


  • paulmv.benthempaulmv.benthem Alum Member
    1032 karma

    @sberg2014 said:

    With no time constraints or with BR, I'm
    -4/5 RC
    -1/2 LG
    -3 LR
    -3 LR
    When did you switch from CC to pure PT and BR?

    Can you clarify this section? Are you doing section either under timed conditions or doing BR?

    Either way, you seem to be doing pretty well overall! With regard to the LGS, for which PTs are you planning on foolproofing the games? Are you seeing improvement? :smiley:

    For myself, while I found the CC extremely helpful for LGs, especially for getting a strong grasp on conditional chaining, I found most of my learning took place while doing the foolproofing (taking notes about different game types as I went). From what I've read on the forums, and my own experience, it's a good idea to get through the foolproofing before doing regular PTs.

  • LastLSATLastLSAT Alum Member
    edited April 2018 1028 karma


  • CurlyQQQCurlyQQQ Alum Member
    edited March 2018 295 karma

    How did you guys fool proof after the CC? I'm getting through the CC fine, but with certain question sets as they get more difficult I'll start getting 3/5 or 2/5. Do you full proof by using the Q Bank? I don't want to waste material.

    -Curious Onlooker

  • sberg2014sberg2014 Alum Member
    63 karma

    So my BR scores and my untimed scores come out to about the same which is why I used those interchangeably .

    I am doing all timed LR and RC sections right now and finishing under time. For those sections, I'm getting the same score timed or untimed.

    Really the time constraint is only becoming a struggle for LG, which is the only section I'm practicing untimed right now. I'm still recording my time for each game. I'm taking as much time as necessary and then going back through it and fool proofing it under time.

    When I do BR for LR and when I review RC, I almost always understand why I got the question wrong and the concept behind it. It's normally due to an important word in an answer choice or passage I didn't pick up on as I read. This is where my questions stems from about going through other parts of the CC and how much benefit there is to go through it with where I stand right now.

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