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Starting to Stress--Need Advice

hheck87hheck87 Member
in General 34 karma

I am on track to take the June LSAT, but with less than two months to go, I am starting to feel the anxiety creep in. Where my anxiety stems from is how inconsistent I feel like I can be with my prep tests. Although my raw scores and my overall scores are rather consistent (ranging from 161-169 with an average of 165), I vary quite widely within sections. I have had times where I score perfectly on Reading Comp, and I have had times where I have only had 67% on Reading Comp; sometimes I miss only 1 or 2 out of both sections combined with LR, but other times I miss 7 or 8 combined. So far, the times where I have been less successful in Reading Comp have corresponded with stronger LR and vice versa, but I am starting to worry about potentially having an particularly bad day when I have a bad RC and perform poorly on LR. Any ideas on how to get more consistent? Thanks!


  • s_jrickes_jricke Alum Member
    360 karma

    @hheck87 said:
    I am on track to take the June LSAT, but with less than two months to go, I am starting to feel the anxiety creep in. Where my anxiety stems from is how inconsistent I feel like I can be with my prep tests. Although my raw scores and my overall scores are rather consistent (ranging from 161-169 with an average of 165), I vary quite widely within sections. I have had times where I score perfectly on Reading Comp, and I have had times where I have only had 67% on Reading Comp; sometimes I miss only 1 or 2 out of both sections combined with LR, but other times I miss 7 or 8 combined. So far, the times where I have been less successful in Reading Comp have corresponded with stronger LR and vice versa, but I am starting to worry about potentially having an particularly bad day when I have a bad RC and perform poorly on LR. Any ideas on how to get more consistent? Thanks!

    Two questions: What does your blind review look like? Are you having any speed/timing issues on any sections?

  • studyingandrestudyingstudyingandrestudying Core Member
    5254 karma

    Maybe section drilling for RC in addition to sticking with PTs. Maybe the webinars on RC. I think they're useful.

  • Leah M BLeah M B Alum Member
    8392 karma

    I think that’s partially just the nature of the LSAT. They strive to make every test equivalent in difficulty but that doesn’t mean that every section is the same in difficulty. Some tests will have harder RC but they balance that out with easier LG. So I’m guessing that’s what you’re seeing. If your overall test score is roughly in the same range, that’s what matters most. For me too, I went through a phase after finishing the cc that my test scores would swing wildly. I was scoring anywhere from 158-167. After just keeping at studying, that eventually went away and I became very consistent. So, it’s possible that will also work itself out as you keep studying. I say just keep going, make sure you are drilling and working on inidividual sections, not just full PTs. But consistency will come around eventually.

  • Return On InferenceReturn On Inference Alum Member
    edited April 2018 503 karma

    Just would like to echo what @"Leah M B" said. The sections within the exam often vary within difficulty. I believe if you go to LSAT Analytics you can actually see what the difficulty rating for your section was, from 1-5.

    The games from PT36, for example, are rated 5/5 whereas the games from PT43 are rated 1/5.

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