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Do you need to do the whole core curriculum up to starting Introduction to Logic Games

Henry RodHenry Rod Member
in Logic Games 18 karma

LG is by far my worst section and I am looking to test in June. I'm on the "Introduction to Logic" section of the Core Curriculum (pretty early), but is the core curriculum necessary before getting into "Introduction to Logic Games & Sequencing Games"?

Also, I bought the Logic Games Bible. At what point in the study process should I start with that-- is there a section in the CC anyone would recommend getting to first? Thanks.


  • 284 karma

    If your taking the test in June, structure will be your best friend.

    I would do the core curriculum in order for the following reasons:

    1: Because of the process of working with 7Sage throughout the early parts of the core curriculum, by the time you get to logic games, you are going to be a master over the whole prep interface which will enhance your efficiency.

    2: In the early parts of the core curriculum, J.Y. teaches you a ton of foundational work (logic, diagramming, arguments), that by the time you get to Logic games, you are going to be equipped with correct verbiage and basic skills to tackle that section with ease.

    3: Lastly, in accordance with other sections, logic games is between Logical reasoning and Reading comprehension in the core curriculum timeline. Because the logic games is unique in regards of the semantics, think of it as a natural break between LR and RC.

    Side note: Depending on your learning style, I would hold off on the Powerscore LG book. There is something to be said about sticking with one prep course all the way through before diving into another one. 7Sage is the best logic games prep course, and it is not even close.

  • Henry RodHenry Rod Member
    edited January 2023 18 karma

    Thanks Preston, very helpful advice. What are your thoughts on the 6-month timeframe-- do you recommend on holding off PTs completely until the CC is done (I know this is roughly the structure in the syllabus). For example, my diagnostic is rather skewed because I was getting only -5 in RC and LR, but got 6/23 in Logic Games, which I think ended up at a 155 score. So I can't really take full practice tests without wasting them because I know nothing about LG, I think. But not sure if on that timeframe I need to be taking earlier PTs anyway.

  • Matt SorrMatt Sorr Alum Member
    edited January 2023 2245 karma

    Great question. I think Preston is correct. If you're truly trying to get the most out of the curriculum and have the strongest possible foundation, completing the entire curriculum in order is the best approach. Seeing as your RC and LR started in a good spot, though, I don't think it would necessarily be the end of the world if you didn't complete the entirety of the core curriculum. If you are doing the lessons on main point questions or any other question type and you are just intuitively able to do the level four and five questions correctly and in a timely fashion, I don't think skipping the majority of that section will harm you. With a -5 starting point, it's totally possible there's just three or four question types you're struggling with and you could get your score down to somewhere between -0 and -3 just by focusing on them. The only person who knows if that's realistic is you, though, as you're the only person with access to your wrong answers.

    So to answer your first question, I believe completing the curriculum in its entirety and in order is, technically speaking, the soundest approach. If, however, your -5 wasn't a fluke (meaning you understand why you got the right answers right and the wrong ones wrong), I think you could probably benefit from skimming and/or skipping some of the curriculum. Whatever you do, though, I wouldn't skip the lessons on logic. As Preston mentioned, completing those before even attempting to learn logic games will help you a ton when you start logic games.

    To answer your second question (about the LG Bible), I don't think anybody can give you a definite answer. The 7Sage curriculum is intended to be comprehensive, meaning it is supposed to teach you everything you need to know without bringing in outside resources. Whether or not this works for you is something you'll have to figure out, but there isn't an "ideal time" to start using the games bible. You may find that you never need to. I found 7Sage's curriculum and explanations alone to be more than enough to help me grasp games.

    And lastly, regarding when you should start PTing, I have always been of the belief that you should hold off on full/scored/timed PTs until you finish the curriculum (and particularly when you're lacking in an area, as you are with LG). My reasoning is that your scores won't really give you an accurate picture of where you're at and might, if you're not careful, they might greatly discourage you. Consider this: if you go through the entire LR curriculum and bring your score down to, say, -2 on LR and even manage, either by luck or skill, to get a -3 on RC, but your LG is still a -17, your score might only go up by a few points. This might discourage you as you'd feel like even with significant work you only improved 4 or 5 points. In reality, however, you're likely close to scoring far higher, even if you don't realize it. I guarantee that if you put some time and effort into LG, you'll see major improvement in a relatively short period. That doesn't mean you'll be consistently going -0/-1 in a matter of days, but you can probably put a major dent in your score within 1 to 4 weeks. Then, just with a little LG training, you may be scoring mid to high 160s (or higher!).

    So in the above scenario, I just don't see the benefit in taking PTs before you've even had the chance to learn about each section. What's the point in repeatedly gauging how well you understand a topic before you even know what it is? I think it can certainly be beneficial to take some timed sections in LR and RC while you're learning so that you can get used to the time pressure and polish your skipping strategy before you start PTing. As someone who was originally incapable of completing even the easiest of logic games, though, I don't think it's worth burning through entire prep tests just to keep being reminded that you're (currently) struggling with games.

    Sorry if I missed any questions and I hope this helps some! Trust me, your diagnostic layout would be envied by many people. With consistent practice, the sky is the limit for you!

  • edited January 2023 284 karma

    I concur with @"Matt Sorr" on holding off on PTing.

    Here is some extra support: Early on in prep, I was a bit reckless with opening and taking practice test without a true purpose behind it. Later on, when I started to reach my LSAT potential, practice test that have not been touched were like gold, but I did not have as much because of my eagerness to use those test earlier on in my LSAT journey.

    Conclusion: Save as many PTs as you can until you get closer to reaching your potential; accordingly, using the end of the CC as that point could be very beneficial for you.

    Invest in using those PTs for later and it will be even more valuable to you when you use them (just like gold! -- well, maybe not in this economy).

    You are asking the right questions at the right time before starting 7Sage. You are setting up yourself up for success!

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