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There is a lot of good criticism of the personality test, but I still think it's interesting to discuss..esp. in ctxt of the LSAT. Wondering if certain personality types (like analysts) actually tend to do better on the LSAT. I found very limited data with a google search. Thought the forum could be a good place to talk about it, criticize the test, and perhaps get into a nature vs. nurture debate
Found an old thread if anyone's interested:
I'm an intp.
I read some research articles that said personality types tend to be inaccurate since they rely upon generalizations that can apply to anyone depending on the context
I sort of doubt personality matters all that much for the test. It probably affects whether you will be willing to study long enough for the test and how happy you will be as a lawyer, but probably not how well you will do.
INTP (barely on the T or P though)
INTJ over here!
ESTJ! I think that some personality types are probably more inclined to do well on the LSAT (maybe they just like testing more in general, etc.) but your personality type probably isn't enough to outweigh other factors in your life that have shaped your aptitude for the LSAT. I also think that it would be detrimental to some people if they thought that their personality type automatically meant that they weren't capable of performing well on the test.
Myers-Briggs is fun to talk about, but it's not a scientifically valid way of classifying personality.
I popped up as an ENTP. Seems to fit my personality, then again, the test is a "One size fits most" type of test.
INFJ, BOI!!!!!!
I always get INTJ or INFJ.
I'd also recommend the Enneagram type test! I'm type 5, although I totally forget what it means lol.
I got ENFJ, but it seems to translate to rather generic personality characteristics. It was fun to take though.
With the LSAT I think a willingness to put in the work and stay consistent (and not let challenges hold you back) is enough to reach individual goals, if not score really well.
I fluctuate between INFP and ENFJ. I'm and introverted extrovert.
Where my ENFP's at???
Apparently I'm emotional AF.
I recommend everyone to take this exam! ISTJ!!!!:)
@teamteamvicster Oh wow! I used to be ENFP but now I am INFP. We can be emotional together lol
You may be an ‘ambivert’ then! I also usually score in between both introvert and extrovert qualities. Although I tend to lean more on the extroverted side.
Executive: ESTJ, -A/-T just like Judge Judy
For you guys who aren't keen on personality profiles, try taking the test with an open mind and try to answer reflexively instead of reactively. Sometimes if we take too long to answer the question, cognitive dissonance can cloud the accuracy of the results.