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Invalid/Valid Argument Forms

smbakop88smbakop88 Alum Member

How important is learning these forms? Is the point that it will help save time on the test by identifying these common forms? I ask because when I read the English part, it makes sense to me, but the lawgic part has me lost, meaning I will have to spend a good amount of time drilling these.


  • _oshun1__oshun1_ Alum Member
    edited May 2018 3652 karma

    You dont understand it if you dont understand the logic of it. Dont move on from the CC until you understand it. You wont be able to do logic games or LR if you cant translate english to logic and logic to english and recognize if it is valid or invalid. I dont think you necessarily need to memorize it like this is invalid argument #3 or whatever but you do need to be able to recognize it. Although, if you are struggling to understand it, then maybe memorizing it would be the best idea for now.

  • FixedDiceFixedDice Member
    edited May 2018 1804 karma

    Is the point that it will help save time on the test by identifying these common forms?

    That's one aspect of it.

    How important is learning these forms?

    Not very important... only if your goal is 150 or lower. Tackling the LSAT without knowing valid and invalid argument forms is like challenging a final or hidden boss in a RPG game with a party of level 1 healers equipped with starting gears and no means to deal powerful damages. You can certainly try it; but the process will be very unpleasant, and the end result probably disastrous. And the LSAC is unlike game developers, who are well aware of the fact that there's no limit to human depravity and try to accommodate those brave souls in one way or another.

  • keets993keets993 Alum Member 🍌
    6050 karma

    Its super important! They help you with parallel reasoning, parallel flaw, flaw, sufficient assumption, psa, principle, mbt. I might be missing a question type or two. The better understanding you have, the more freebies you'll have because the structure is so repetitive. It's okay if you don't understand it at first but keep working at it and make sure you don't move on until you have a firm grasp. Your confusion might snowball. They also help you understand how support works which will also be helpful for strengthen, weaken, most strongly supported, etc.

    It might be easier to understand the english for now but that's also probably because the english is so easy. For more difficult questions, the english and grammar used will be so convoluted that you'll need the simplified structure of logic to help you out.

    Mastering lawgic is worth it, no matter how much time it takes.

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