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Any feedback on your experience moving through CC and retaining it all

annewr253annewr253 Alum Member
edited June 2018 in General 439 karma

Hi everyone! I just would like some feedback on your experience in working through the CC. So I am about 50% of the way through the CC right now and it is definitely not moving as fast as I would have liked but I'm holding on to the idea of "slow and steady wins the race." With that being said, as I cover new topics, some of the earlier concepts that may not be directly relevant to the section I'm on (ie invalid/valid argument forms/ lawgic-specific rules, etc), are not as easy to remember quickly. Then I start to freak out and wonder since I am not recalling things as quickly, I need to step back. Also, to note I'm not just moving swiftly without having a good understanding of what I just learned, it's more so that sometimes it will take a whole week to get through one section (ie Flaw question type with corresponding 20+ problem sets) , and will have me feeling like what I covered earlier in the CC is becoming foggy. I guess what I want to know, is this a common feeling? Did you guys implement any strategies to keep the older CC top of mind? Did you begin your studying with a basic review, or something? Also, how long did it take you to complete the CC, and how did your first PT post CC go?


  • LSATcantwinLSATcantwin Alum Member Sage
    edited June 2018 13286 karma

    Biggest advice? Drop the idea of thinking you need to retain it all.


    The most accurate comparison to the LSAT that can be made is that it is like learning to play an instrument. You will learn new chords but wont master them right away. You might even forget the a chord as you learn new ones.

    The LSAT is like a song, made up of tons and tons of chords. In order to preform well on the LSAT, you need to practice each chord individually, and then in conjunction with each other. Over time the chords will come more naturally, and you'll have to revisit them less and less.

    So as you work through the CC, you should not expect to retain everything. You should not expect to MASTER the LSAT after one pass through.

    What it should look like is:

    Full CC -> PT -> Blind Review -> Review weakness in CC -> PT -> Blind Review -> Review weakness in CC -> PT etc etc etc

    This is how you strengthen your LSAT "song" skills

  • tringo335tringo335 Alum Member
    3679 karma

    Definitely don't worry about retaining things in the CC. It will be impossible to do so. Also, don't worry if it's taking too long. I've heard top scorers on this forum note that the best thing they did in achieving a top score was spending months on the CC learning just the basics. One in particular took 6 months finishing it just to give you an idea on a timeline. But if it takes you longer don't worry about that either.

  • annewr253annewr253 Alum Member
    439 karma

    @LSATcantwin thanks for that metaphor, definitely puts it into perspective for me! @tringo335 that timeline is good to know, I'm in month 3 now so i will just keep pushing!!

  • Beast ModeBeast Mode Live Member
    844 karma

    Hi there, definitely take your time with the CC. Every now and then review the concepts you are unsure of such as the valid/invalid arg forms as well as bi-conditionals because it will also help you with LG. If you spend time on the fundamentals upfront, it will pay off on your PT.

    Good luck,

  • FlashLSATFlashLSAT Alum Member
    293 karma

    I've had similar concerns with going through the CC being worrisome about not retaining as much information as possible. I think along the way it is hard to retain everything and its perfectly normal to forget things along the way. One thing that has been very helpful to me is deep notation and practice of previous lessons (very lightly) even though I have moved on to another part of the CC. So even though Im done with MSS questions I still attempt to do at least one MSS question every other day. Its been very helpful to instill what I learned in that part of the CC.

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