The only exception: you can say which sections were real or experimental. For example, asking questions like “Was the LG with "flowers" experimental?” is okay. You can say “The LG section with "flowers" was real!” But you cannot say “the 3rd game of the real section was In/Out game.”
Wait, @studentservice how did you know about the flowers? Hmmmmmm...
I had 2 RC sections... I started my very first LSAC administered LSAT with a chemical compound punching me in the face. I thought the experimental RC section was SOOOOOOOO much easier. I’m kind of annoyed that that was the experimental section.
I think the real LG had Bonds, WXYZ, flowers, and offices. I thank God for foolproofing and 7Sage...
This is good though. I feel so much better now that I’ve taken the real thing.
I think it was a pure coincidence because 7Sage uses the same template for years. Haha
Was the passage (comparative) about intellectual property in your reading comprehension? (it had a question about utilitarianism)
Also cyclists and the environment was in the same section.
I had 2 RC. That was section 4 for me.
I recall the other RC was first section. If I’m remembering things correctly, I found the first passage difficult but with only a few questions.
The LR had one of the first questions with a prof talking about engagement in his courses.
LG last game (and having to pee really really bad) killed me investment bonds 5 year and 10 years. 6 pieces.
What is everyone's overall impression of PT84? Harder than normal? Easier? Guesses on curve?
I had RC LR LG RC LR for my sections. I found the real RC much easier than the experimental, but that could be due to fatigue during the 4th section.
LR seemed easier than normal, but I did catch a mistake at the very end of a section and couldn't correct it before time was up -- that was annoying.
LG was OK, WXYZ was a little strange.
RC was easier than normal IMO.
I could really see it being a -9 curve, with a crazy tight curve in the 170s+. Really hope it's not like PT81 where a -1 is 180 and -5 is 174, but honestly it feels like it will be.
On another note, I had to drive 1.5 hours out to my test location and I had to arrive super early because parking was really limited... My testing center also took a long time to get us seated and read instructions, we didn't begin until like 1:30pm I think. I was SO exhausted during the 4th and 5th sections -- I've never been actively doing problems at 4pm during my PTs. Definitely gonna hire an uber or something if I have to retake July.
edit: and my testing center had also banned caffeine/caffeinated beverages so I was S.O.L. when I started feeling tired @ like noon
The only exception: you can say which sections were real or experimental. For example, asking questions like “Was the LG with "flowers" experimental?” is okay. You can say “The LG section with "flowers" was real!” But you cannot say “the 3rd game of the real section was In/Out game.”
Wait, @studentservice how did you know about the flowers? Hmmmmmm...
I had 2 RC sections... I started my very first LSAC administered LSAT with a chemical compound punching me in the face. I thought the experimental RC section was SOOOOOOOO much easier. I’m kind of annoyed that that was the experimental section.
I think the real LG had Bonds, WXYZ, flowers, and offices. I thank God for foolproofing and 7Sage...
This is good though. I feel so much better now that I’ve taken the real thing.
I think it was a pure coincidence because 7Sage uses the same template for years. Haha
Dave killorian thinks it will be a -10 or -11. Im not sure what that’s worth but there ya go. I think a -10 is probably right. The RC and LR were challenging even with a cookie cutter LG section. Just my take- I have no expertise in this whatsoever.
I had two LG sections, there was this game with 4 posters in 4 theaters in months of Sept, Oct and Nov that almost made me cry on the spot(hoping this is the experimental)...overall, i thought the test was not very easy for me, barely finished RC and didn't finish one of the LR(which i usually finish 5 mins before time is up)...perhaps its due to a combination of far away testing centers and arriving at the last min possible...ughhh so disappointed. Luckily this is just me trying to get off WL, well time to cancel score...
Definitely average or slightly-below-average difficulty. The curve is gonna hurt.
So, real RC: (1) global warming/sulfates/sun activity, (2) police interview techniques, (3) two passages on literature genres, and (4) evolutionary impact of cooked food
Real LG: (1) flowers (???); (2) architecture project assignments (says Reddit--was this FGHK/WXYZ?); (3) committee candidates/nominees (says Reddit--was this mayor/treasurer/2 commissioners out of 6 people?); (4) 5/10-year bonds (who could forget corporate titans Verona and Samson Gonzales?)
Can anybody remember the LGs that I've forgotten? The one about nine beers was in the other, experimental section.
Thought I was prepared. Tanked from nerves and not managing time properly. I had been averaging ~172 in PT's; I'd be shocked if I got better than a 166 today. See ya'll in July.
I’m on the west coast and just got home after driving an hour and a half from my test center. ~_~
I had two LG sections, both felt about the same but I was actually more confident on what seems to be the experimental LG section
RC was my first section and I thought it was my best (felt pretty straightforward compared to other RC sections, definitely easier than some of the pre-35 PTs, imo). LR was just so-so, there were some questions I found pretty tricky, and I don’t think I did that well on one of the sections.
I probably did my average or just below overall, but I was really happy that the real exam didn’t feel different from a PT, which is what I was hoping for! Now to wait for scores
Edit: I’m treating myself to Boston Cream Mousse in an effort to celebrate being done. Temporarily.
Yeah, that's exactly what the -x means. So a -9 means you can miss 9 questions for a 170. Ranges from -9 to -16 I believe (but all of the -12+ were in the 1990s I think).
Personally I prefer looser curves, I had a couple reading errors on PT81 and the curve was super tight so it absolutely tanked my score.
@ChaimtheGreat said:
Dave killorian thinks it will be a -10 or -11. Im not sure what that’s worth but there ya go. I think a -10 is probably right. The RC and LR were challenging even with a cookie cutter LG section. Just my take- I have no expertise in this whatsoever.
According to him he has been rarely off by more than 1 point in predicting the curves
@ChaimtheGreat said:
Dave killorian thinks it will be a -10 or -11. Im not sure what that’s worth but there ya go. I think a -10 is probably right. The RC and LR were challenging even with a cookie cutter LG section. Just my take- I have no expertise in this whatsoever.
@ChaimtheGreat said:
Dave killorian thinks it will be a -10 or -11. Im not sure what that’s worth but there ya go. I think a -10 is probably right. The RC and LR were challenging even with a cookie cutter LG section. Just my take- I have no expertise in this whatsoever.
@pei12345 said:
I had two LG sections, there was this game with 4 posters in 4 theaters in months of Sept, Oct and Nov that almost made me cry on the spot(hoping this is the experimental)...overall, i thought the test was not very easy for me, barely finished RC and didn't finish one of the LR(which i usually finish 5 mins before time is up)...perhaps its due to a combination of far away testing centers and arriving at the last min possible...ughhh so disappointed. Luckily this is just me trying to get off WL, well time to cancel score...
I only had one LG section and don't recall this game so I believe that that section is experimental!
UGH is anyone else feeling like they're losing they're mind?! I can't wait for the results. I felt like it was easy. Practically pooped my pants during the LG experimental so I'm very glad to see it as experimental!!! The real one was okay.. last one was a little difficult but I felt like I burned through the rest. RC felt weird for me in that I don't know what my outcome will be. Oh well. This wait to find out results is going to KILL me.
Super late because I went to a baseball game right after the test, haha. But, checking in. Agree with the curve being -10/-11 range. It felt on the easier side but I don't think as far as -9. Then again, it's so hard to tell. Your perception really depends on your own personal strengths/weaknesses.
I'm irritated I made a timing mistake again, same thing I did in December. Accidentally let time run out in LG and didn't even get guesses in for 3 questions. I felt pretty confident in my answers though, so I think/hope that's all I got wrong there. RC is another story. That first passage killed me - spent way too long on it and it only had 5 questions.
For some reason, I had a lot harder time concentrating today than I did on the December test. I felt like all the little pencil shuffling and sniffling and coughing was so loud. I felt like all I could hear was the pencil of the girl writing next to me. Normally concentration isn't a problem for me like that, don't know why it threw me off today.
Overall, I don't feel great but I feel okay. I feel a little better than I did coming out of the December test, but I'm slightly worried the curve won't be as forgiving. Oh well, it is what it is.
Remember, for anyone who's worried about today's score: there's plenty of time. No re-take restrictions and July, September, and November are all options for the upcoming cycle. Take a deep breath, pick up a hobby, and don't worry about the results until they come in!
@"Habeas Porpoise" said:
I probably did my average or just below overall, but I was really happy that the real exam didn’t feel different from a PT, which is what I was hoping for! Now to wait for scores
In my experimental RC I had a passage about Canadian/US Law & Native Americans. I can’t remember the other 3 in that section at all. Did anyone else have this passage and can remember what the other passages were about?
@"Return On Inference" said:
What is everyone's overall impression of PT84? Harder than normal? Easier? Guesses on curve?
I had RC LR LG RC LR for my sections. I found the real RC much easier than the experimental, but that could be due to fatigue during the 4th section.
LR seemed easier than normal, but I did catch a mistake at the very end of a section and couldn't correct it before time was up -- that was annoying.
LG was OK, WXYZ was a little strange.
RC was easier than normal IMO.
I could really see it being a -9 curve, with a crazy tight curve in the 170s+. Really hope it's not like PT81 where a -1 is 180 and -5 is 174, but honestly it feels like it will be.
On another note, I had to drive 1.5 hours out to my test location and I had to arrive super early because parking was really limited... My testing center also took a long time to get us seated and read instructions, we didn't begin until like 1:30pm I think. I was SO exhausted during the 4th and 5th sections -- I've never been actively doing problems at 4pm during my PTs. Definitely gonna hire an uber or something if I have to retake July.
edit: and my testing center had also banned caffeine/caffeinated beverages so I was S.O.L. when I started feeling tired @ like noon
@"Return On Inference" said:
What is everyone's overall impression of PT84? Harder than normal? Easier? Guesses on curve?
I had RC LR LG RC LR for my sections. I found the real RC much easier than the experimental, but that could be due to fatigue during the 4th section.
LR seemed easier than normal, but I did catch a mistake at the very end of a section and couldn't correct it before time was up -- that was annoying.
LG was OK, WXYZ was a little strange.
RC was easier than normal IMO.
I could really see it being a -9 curve, with a crazy tight curve in the 170s+. Really hope it's not like PT81 where a -1 is 180 and -5 is 174, but honestly it feels like it will be.
On another note, I had to drive 1.5 hours out to my test location and I had to arrive super early because parking was really limited... My testing center also took a long time to get us seated and read instructions, we didn't begin until like 1:30pm I think. I was SO exhausted during the 4th and 5th sections -- I've never been actively doing problems at 4pm during my PTs. Definitely gonna hire an uber or something if I have to retake July.
edit: and my testing center had also banned caffeine/caffeinated beverages so I was S.O.L. when I started feeling tired @ like noon
If you do decide to take the exam in July and can't have caffeinated beverages, caffeine pills are a life saver! That's what I did for my exam- took one during the break when my energy started to dip and it kept me alert for the rest of the exam.
For those who had 3 LR sections, any idea which was experimental? for me it was LR RC LR LR LG. hoping the first LR was experimental because the 2nd and 3rd seemed more manageable.
Also, can we make it a rule that if you can't even read LSAC's rules and the admission ticket well enough to see the several "do not bring your phone" clauses mentioned, you probably shouldn't be allowed to be a lawyer at all? Lol, I'm salty that the (like 4) people who brought them to my test center were allowed to go back to their cars to put them back, and made us all start 30 mins later than scheduled.
@saraheq1 I had the same sequence: LR RC LR LR LG. I just searched on Reddit, and it looks like my first LR, which had 26 questions, was the experimental.
I am so upset by what happened yesterday. The testing center was a nightmare. Here is what happened yesterday:
Issue # 1:
-The proctors were continuously speaking to one another throughout the majority of the test. The proctors were laughing, whispering, and generally talking to each other throughout the whole test.
Issue # 2:
-Proctors were continuously entering and exiting the room, taking bags and other belongings with them, letting the door shut loudly behind them. It seemed as if they were always coming and going. It was a small room, so any movement was duly noted. One of the proctors also shouted at another proctor from the hallway, which everyone in the room could hear.
Issue # 3:
-One of the proctor’s cellphone went off four different times. I know this, because every time it went off it broke my concentration and I would have to read the question over again. When the cellphone went off the fourth time, the proctor loudly sighed and whispering loudly to other proctors on how to turn off his phone.
Issue # 4:
-Proctors were continuously walking up and down the aisle. I was seated at an aisle seat and have never experienced a problem with proctors walking around or monitoring the room. The proctors were continuously walking up and down the aisle. They would walk to the front of the room and loudly ask one of the other proctors a question and then go back down the aisle and then ask another proctor another question. All of the proctors were walking up and down the aisle and passing each other on the way. Each time this happened it broke my concentration because there were multiple proctors walking up and down the aisle in a small room.
Issue # 5:
-There was loud drilling that took place in the hotel. It was so loud that it was instantly distracting and could not get my flow back after the drilling stopped.
Issue #6:
-One of the proctors got out a tape measure and measured the length of the desk right next to me. He loudly retracted the tape measure and measured the length of the desk and then loudly put the tape measure away. He did all this while loudly talking to the other proctors in the room. This broke my concentration.
Issue #7
-Two of the proctors sat right behind me in the row of seats and loudly whispered to each other while shuffling papers. I could not concentrate with two people loudly whispering to each other for the whole 70 minutes. They sat behind me for two sections. I definitely could not focus when two people are seated behind me having a full blown conversation.
Issue #8
-The proctor who kept the time cut five minutes off of the writing section. He called time when we really had five minutes left.
Issue #9
-Two the proctors sat next to me and loudly unwrapped candy that the hotel provided for the test takers. Two of the proctors unwrapped candy continuously for about 20 minutes. The candy was wrapped in a cellophane wrapper and made a lot of noise. Every time this happened, it broke my concentration.
Issue # 10
-The proctors were constantly moving around plastic bins, shuffling papers, tearing paper and typing on their laptop which also was distracting. I was distracted the whole test by the proctors being inconsiderate.
Issue # 11
When the proctor was setting the timer he waited until 30 seconds into our section and when he set the time it made 6 really loud beeping sounds. This happened each time he restarted the time.
I can’t believe this happened yesterday. It was a complete nightmare. I emailed lsac and told them exactly what happened. I’m hoping for a chance to at least take the test again. What do you guys think?
@"Creative Username" said: @LSAT Warrior Princess, I'm rooting for you and hope you'll be able to retake!! That sounds awful.
Thank you so much! It was a nightmare to say the least. You always hear horrible stories about testing centers and think that will never happen to me! And everything happened yesterday haha. When I came home I had a breakdown but now I’m just mad. I hope they will let me retake!!
Wow I'm so sorry, that truly does sound awful and so distracting! It is unfathomable to me how the proctors can be so unaware and just rude...are they not given guidelines for their own behavior by LSAC? I'd imagine they do have a set of rules to follow and likely just disregard them or they think they are following them because they just don't get how distracting all those little sounds and whispers can be.
I've been lucky with both my LSAT experiences, had great proctors who obviously were aware of the gravity of this test. I do think the good proctors likely outweigh the bad, but it sucks that there is even a chance that you could spend all this time and effort preparing only to have your test day kind of ruined by something completely out of your control.
I’m really excited to read that a lot of people thought it was easier than expected. I was thinking to myself either I did really good or I’m delusional lmbo. I had the 3 LR, 1Rc, and 1LG. I finished all my sections with like 7 minutes to spare except for LG that last question “bonds” was tough and I only had 5 minutes after I wrote out the game. My order was LR RC LR, break LR LG. I was shocked but happy. I pray that I get a great score. Good Luck you guys, it’s now time to play the waiting game for scores. Lol
Wow I'm so sorry, that truly does sound awful and so distracting! It is unfathomable to me how the proctors can be so unaware and just rude...are they not given guidelines for their own behavior by LSAC? I'd imagine they do have a set of rules to follow and likely just disregard them or they think they are following them because they just don't get how distracting all those little sounds and whispers can be.
I've been lucky with both my LSAT experiences, had great proctors who obviously were aware of the gravity of this test. I do think the good proctors likely outweigh the bad, but it sucks that there is even a chance that you could spend all this time and effort preparing only to have your test day kind of ruined by something completely out of your control.
Sorry again and hope your complaint works out
Thank you so much! It’s funny because in the beginning of the test they said please do not make any noise that is distracting to other students around you.... uhhh really? I got a response from lsac and it just said that the incident will be investigated and my account is on hold. So fingers crossed?
Had two AR sections, I was more comfortable with one that the other. I hope the one I was more comfortable with will be the scored section..... My timing was way off for everything, my nerves was out of control!
I went in cool as a cucumber and then opened to RC and froze. It all seemed like word salad. When I got to LR I was elated, which never happens!! Ha! No idea if I tanked. It was my first LSAT, proctors were fine. Using the 7Sage proctor with distractions really worked for me. Who knew my own nerves would show up at go time?! BTW tested at Saint Francis in Brooklyn and it was lovely!
I definitely think the experimental RC was easier. To be fair though the actual RC was my 1st section and I don't think the nerves left me yet. I was much more relaxed and focused by the time the second RC came (after the break). I'm mad at myself about the games though! Everyone keeps saying it was so easy and I feel like I missed my chance! I didn't get to the last couple questions on the stupid bonds game - so definitely missed at least 3-4 right there. Hopefully the other sections save me but honestly I'm just going to sign up for the July. Now that I know I won't pass out from anxiety or soil myself I feel WAYYY better.
I honestly don't remember the experimental LG, but I thought it was a lot easier than the real one. I finished the experimental with 10 minutes left to double-check answers. The real one...not so much. Oh well! I'm happy it's over!
@mytime12 said:
the reading comp passage about scientific journals and the internet, anyone know if that was experimental or real
I had that passage on my RC experimental. With a passage about Canadian/Native Americans and also had one people’s perceptions of punishment (scales of justice vs utilitarian)
I can’t remember the other experimental RC I had.
I remember the words “academic derision” but not sure if that was in the real RC section or the experimental
@"Habeas Porpoise" said:
I probably did my average or just below overall, but I was really happy that the real exam didn’t feel different from a PT, which is what I was hoping for! Now to wait for scores
Please email us if you become a Sage!!
I will! Though I don't think this take was the one! Maybe September
@annointeddd said:
Had two AR sections, I was more comfortable with one that the other. I hope the one I was more comfortable with will be the scored section..... My timing was way off for everything, my nerves was out of control!
I had two LG sections as well. According to Reddit, the LG with the beers game was experimental (and the one with the bonds game was real). I believe the beers game was the one after the break.
Real RC: Greenhouse effect, Interrogations, Detective Stories (comparative), Ancient Humans eating raw foods
Real Games: 5 and 10 year bonds (last game)
Real LR: T-Rex Fossils, and Migrating Loons taking over a lake
Exp. LG: Beer
Exp RC: Painters
The experimental LR has 26 questions, apparently. Both the real ones I had were only 25 questions each.
Edit: oops, it seems I’m mistaken — the experimental LR was also 25 questions. If you had the section order as LR RC LR LR LG, the experimental LR was the first section, and the last question on the section was about death metal from Bali.
I had 2 LG sections, so one experimental. I don't think I got to the bonds question. was the section with the 2 sets of twins experimental? or did everyone have it? I finished almost all the questions on the one without the twins which is rare for me in LG, but only managed to get through 13 in the set with the twins....
I think it was a pure coincidence because 7Sage uses the same template for years. Haha
Was the passage (comparative) about intellectual property in your reading comprehension? (it had a question about utilitarianism)
Also cyclists and the environment was in the same section.
I had 2 RC. That was section 4 for me.
I recall the other RC was first section. If I’m remembering things correctly, I found the first passage difficult but with only a few questions.
The LR had one of the first questions with a prof talking about engagement in his courses.
LG last game (and having to pee really really bad) killed me
investment bonds 5 year and 10 years. 6 pieces.
What is everyone's overall impression of PT84? Harder than normal? Easier? Guesses on curve?
I had RC LR LG RC LR for my sections. I found the real RC much easier than the experimental, but that could be due to fatigue during the 4th section.
LR seemed easier than normal, but I did catch a mistake at the very end of a section and couldn't correct it before time was up -- that was annoying.
LG was OK, WXYZ was a little strange.
RC was easier than normal IMO.
I could really see it being a -9 curve, with a crazy tight curve in the 170s+. Really hope it's not like PT81 where a -1 is 180 and -5 is 174, but honestly it feels like it will be.
On another note, I had to drive 1.5 hours out to my test location and I had to arrive super early because parking was really limited... My testing center also took a long time to get us seated and read instructions, we didn't begin until like 1:30pm I think. I was SO exhausted during the 4th and 5th sections -- I've never been actively doing problems at 4pm during my PTs. Definitely gonna hire an uber or something if I have to retake July.
edit: and my testing center had also banned caffeine/caffeinated beverages so I was S.O.L. when I started feeling tired @ like noon
Dave killorian thinks it will be a -10 or -11. Im not sure what that’s worth but there ya go. I think a -10 is probably right. The RC and LR were challenging even with a cookie cutter LG section. Just my take- I have no expertise in this whatsoever.
I had two LG sections, there was this game with 4 posters in 4 theaters in months of Sept, Oct and Nov that almost made me cry on the spot(hoping this is the experimental)...overall, i thought the test was not very easy for me, barely finished RC and didn't finish one of the LR(which i usually finish 5 mins before time is up)...perhaps its due to a combination of far away testing centers and arriving at the last min possible...ughhh so disappointed. Luckily this is just me trying to get off WL, well time to cancel score...
Definitely average or slightly-below-average difficulty. The curve is gonna hurt.
So, real RC: (1) global warming/sulfates/sun activity, (2) police interview techniques, (3) two passages on literature genres, and (4) evolutionary impact of cooked food
Real LG: (1) flowers (???); (2) architecture project assignments (says Reddit--was this FGHK/WXYZ?); (3) committee candidates/nominees (says Reddit--was this mayor/treasurer/2 commissioners out of 6 people?); (4) 5/10-year bonds (who could forget corporate titans Verona and Samson Gonzales?)
Can anybody remember the LGs that I've forgotten? The one about nine beers was in the other, experimental section.
SO many of these!
Anyone notice the scantron/answer sheet was different? It was missing race/gender/language sections-
Thought I was prepared. Tanked from nerves and not managing time properly. I had been averaging ~172 in PT's; I'd be shocked if I got better than a 166 today. See ya'll in July.
now that you mentioned it...the back of the booklet was missing the "cancel score" option
You can only cancel the score online now
I’m on the west coast and just got home after driving an hour and a half from my test center. ~_~
I had two LG sections, both felt about the same but I was actually more confident on what seems to be the experimental LG section
RC was my first section and I thought it was my best (felt pretty straightforward compared to other RC sections, definitely easier than some of the pre-35 PTs, imo). LR was just so-so, there were some questions I found pretty tricky, and I don’t think I did that well on one of the sections.
I probably did my average or just below overall, but I was really happy that the real exam didn’t feel different from a PT, which is what I was hoping for! Now to wait for scores
Edit: I’m treating myself to Boston Cream Mousse in an effort to celebrate being done. Temporarily.
yeah! I anticipated being really nervous but it felt just like any other PT and I felt pretty confident throughout
Yeah, that's exactly what the -x means. So a -9 means you can miss 9 questions for a 170. Ranges from -9 to -16 I believe (but all of the -12+ were in the 1990s I think).
Personally I prefer looser curves, I had a couple reading errors on PT81 and the curve was super tight so it absolutely tanked my score.
Can we pretty much expect to get scores back June 29th on the nose? What happened in February to make people convinced that this is happening?
According to him he has been rarely off by more than 1 point in predicting the curves
His scale predictions for June 2017 LSAT and September 2017 LSAT were -10 (They were -9 and -11).
I can't find the tweet but I remember he said -11 for Dec 2017 LSAT. It was -12.
@Tonyk215 I feel like being "rarely off by more than 1 point" is pretty meaningless if you consider the LSAT curve's remarkable consistency
Yeah who knows. What’s done is done, but here is to hoping for at least a -10 curve lol.
I only had one LG section and don't recall this game so I believe that that section is experimental!
UGH is anyone else feeling like they're losing they're mind?! I can't wait for the results. I felt like it was easy. Practically pooped my pants during the LG experimental so I'm very glad to see it as experimental!!! The real one was okay.. last one was a little difficult but I felt like I burned through the rest. RC felt weird for me in that I don't know what my outcome will be. Oh well. This wait to find out results is going to KILL me.
Super late because I went to a baseball game right after the test, haha. But, checking in. Agree with the curve being -10/-11 range. It felt on the easier side but I don't think as far as -9. Then again, it's so hard to tell. Your perception really depends on your own personal strengths/weaknesses.
I'm irritated I made a timing mistake again, same thing I did in December. Accidentally let time run out in LG and didn't even get guesses in for 3 questions. I felt pretty confident in my answers though, so I think/hope that's all I got wrong there. RC is another story. That first passage killed me - spent way too long on it and it only had 5 questions.
For some reason, I had a lot harder time concentrating today than I did on the December test. I felt like all the little pencil shuffling and sniffling and coughing was so loud. I felt like all I could hear was the pencil of the girl writing next to me. Normally concentration isn't a problem for me like that, don't know why it threw me off today.
Overall, I don't feel great but I feel okay. I feel a little better than I did coming out of the December test, but I'm slightly worried the curve won't be as forgiving. Oh well, it is what it is.
Remember, for anyone who's worried about today's score: there's plenty of time. No re-take restrictions and July, September, and November are all options for the upcoming cycle. Take a deep breath, pick up a hobby, and don't worry about the results until they come in!
Please email us if you become a Sage!!
In my experimental RC I had a passage about Canadian/US Law & Native Americans. I can’t remember the other 3 in that section at all. Did anyone else have this passage and can remember what the other passages were about?
If you do decide to take the exam in July and can't have caffeinated beverages, caffeine pills are a life saver! That's what I did for my exam- took one during the break when my energy started to dip and it kept me alert for the rest of the exam.
For those who had 3 LR sections, any idea which was experimental? for me it was LR RC LR LR LG. hoping the first LR was experimental because the 2nd and 3rd seemed more manageable.
Also, can we make it a rule that if you can't even read LSAC's rules and the admission ticket well enough to see the several "do not bring your phone" clauses mentioned, you probably shouldn't be allowed to be a lawyer at all? Lol, I'm salty that the (like 4) people who brought them to my test center were allowed to go back to their cars to put them back, and made us all start 30 mins later than scheduled.
@saraheq1 I had the same sequence: LR RC LR LR LG. I just searched on Reddit, and it looks like my first LR, which had 26 questions, was the experimental.
@saraheq1 @Jane1990
I had 3 LR also. According to Reddit, the first LR section was experimental and the two 25 question sections were the real ones!
I'm hoping this info is accurate, which would be great because I definitely got a little psyched out during that first section.
@amatthews304 Yes, the same! I felt pretty time-crunched on that first LR.
anyone else already refreshing their LSAC page every 4 seconds like a crazy person?
I am so upset by what happened yesterday. The testing center was a nightmare. Here is what happened yesterday:
Issue # 1:
-The proctors were continuously speaking to one another throughout the majority of the test. The proctors were laughing, whispering, and generally talking to each other throughout the whole test.
Issue # 2:
-Proctors were continuously entering and exiting the room, taking bags and other belongings with them, letting the door shut loudly behind them. It seemed as if they were always coming and going. It was a small room, so any movement was duly noted. One of the proctors also shouted at another proctor from the hallway, which everyone in the room could hear.
Issue # 3:
-One of the proctor’s cellphone went off four different times. I know this, because every time it went off it broke my concentration and I would have to read the question over again. When the cellphone went off the fourth time, the proctor loudly sighed and whispering loudly to other proctors on how to turn off his phone.
Issue # 4:
-Proctors were continuously walking up and down the aisle. I was seated at an aisle seat and have never experienced a problem with proctors walking around or monitoring the room. The proctors were continuously walking up and down the aisle. They would walk to the front of the room and loudly ask one of the other proctors a question and then go back down the aisle and then ask another proctor another question. All of the proctors were walking up and down the aisle and passing each other on the way. Each time this happened it broke my concentration because there were multiple proctors walking up and down the aisle in a small room.
Issue # 5:
-There was loud drilling that took place in the hotel. It was so loud that it was instantly distracting and could not get my flow back after the drilling stopped.
Issue #6:
-One of the proctors got out a tape measure and measured the length of the desk right next to me. He loudly retracted the tape measure and measured the length of the desk and then loudly put the tape measure away. He did all this while loudly talking to the other proctors in the room. This broke my concentration.
Issue #7
-Two of the proctors sat right behind me in the row of seats and loudly whispered to each other while shuffling papers. I could not concentrate with two people loudly whispering to each other for the whole 70 minutes. They sat behind me for two sections. I definitely could not focus when two people are seated behind me having a full blown conversation.
Issue #8
-The proctor who kept the time cut five minutes off of the writing section. He called time when we really had five minutes left.
Issue #9
-Two the proctors sat next to me and loudly unwrapped candy that the hotel provided for the test takers. Two of the proctors unwrapped candy continuously for about 20 minutes. The candy was wrapped in a cellophane wrapper and made a lot of noise. Every time this happened, it broke my concentration.
Issue # 10
-The proctors were constantly moving around plastic bins, shuffling papers, tearing paper and typing on their laptop which also was distracting. I was distracted the whole test by the proctors being inconsiderate.
Issue # 11
When the proctor was setting the timer he waited until 30 seconds into our section and when he set the time it made 6 really loud beeping sounds. This happened each time he restarted the time.
I can’t believe this happened yesterday. It was a complete nightmare. I emailed lsac and told them exactly what happened. I’m hoping for a chance to at least take the test again. What do you guys think?
did anyone else get 2 RC & 2 LR? that last LR was interesting lol
Can we all just take a minute to acknowledge that... we're done!!! Congrats everyone on your hard work
@LSAT Warrior Princess, I'm rooting for you and hope you'll be able to retake!! That sounds awful.
Thank you so much! It was a nightmare to say the least. You always hear horrible stories about testing centers and think that will never happen to me! And everything happened yesterday haha. When I came home I had a breakdown but now I’m just mad. I hope they will let me retake!!
Wow I'm so sorry, that truly does sound awful and so distracting! It is unfathomable to me how the proctors can be so unaware and just rude...are they not given guidelines for their own behavior by LSAC? I'd imagine they do have a set of rules to follow and likely just disregard them or they think they are following them because they just don't get how distracting all those little sounds and whispers can be.
I've been lucky with both my LSAT experiences, had great proctors who obviously were aware of the gravity of this test. I do think the good proctors likely outweigh the bad, but it sucks that there is even a chance that you could spend all this time and effort preparing only to have your test day kind of ruined by something completely out of your control.
Sorry again and hope your complaint works out
I’m really excited to read that a lot of people thought it was easier than expected. I was thinking to myself either I did really good or I’m delusional lmbo. I had the 3 LR, 1Rc, and 1LG. I finished all my sections with like 7 minutes to spare except for LG that last question “bonds” was tough and I only had 5 minutes after I wrote out the game. My order was LR RC LR, break LR LG. I was shocked but happy. I pray that I get a great score. Good Luck you guys, it’s now time to play the waiting game for scores. Lol
Thank you so much! It’s funny because in the beginning of the test they said please do not make any noise that is distracting to other students around you.... uhhh really? I got a response from lsac and it just said that the incident will be investigated and my account is on hold. So fingers crossed?
Had two AR sections, I was more comfortable with one that the other. I hope the one I was more comfortable with will be the scored section..... My timing was way off for everything, my nerves was out of control!
I went in cool as a cucumber and then opened to RC and froze. It all seemed like word salad. When I got to LR I was elated, which never happens!! Ha! No idea if I tanked. It was my first LSAT, proctors were fine. Using the 7Sage proctor with distractions really worked for me. Who knew my own nerves would show up at go time?! BTW tested at Saint Francis in Brooklyn and it was lovely!
Hope everyone killed it!!
I definitely think the experimental RC was easier. To be fair though the actual RC was my 1st section and I don't think the nerves left me yet. I was much more relaxed and focused by the time the second RC came (after the break). I'm mad at myself about the games though! Everyone keeps saying it was so easy and I feel like I missed my chance! I didn't get to the last couple questions on the stupid bonds game - so definitely missed at least 3-4 right there. Hopefully the other sections save me but honestly I'm just going to sign up for the July. Now that I know I won't pass out from anxiety or soil myself I feel WAYYY better.
So for anyone wondering:
Real RC: Greenhouse effect, Interrogations, Detective Stories (comparative), Ancient Humans eating raw foods
Real Games: 5 and 10 year bonds (last game)
Real LR: T-Rex Fossils, and Migrating Loons taking over a lake
Exp. LG: Beer
Exp RC: Painters
I honestly don't remember the experimental LG, but I thought it was a lot easier than the real one. I finished the experimental with 10 minutes left to double-check answers. The real one...not so much. Oh well! I'm happy it's over!
average difficulty I think
the reading comp passage about scientific journals and the internet, anyone know if that was experimental or real
I had that passage on my RC experimental. With a passage about Canadian/Native Americans and also had one people’s perceptions of punishment (scales of justice vs utilitarian)
I can’t remember the other experimental RC I had.
I remember the words “academic derision” but not sure if that was in the real RC section or the experimental
I will! Though I don't think this take was the one! Maybe September
I had two LG sections as well. According to Reddit, the LG with the beers game was experimental (and the one with the bonds game was real). I believe the beers game was the one after the break.
The experimental LR has 26 questions, apparently. Both the real ones I had were only 25 questions each.
Edit: oops, it seems I’m mistaken — the experimental LR was also 25 questions. If you had the section order as LR RC LR LR LG, the experimental LR was the first section, and the last question on the section was about death metal from Bali.
I had 2 LG sections, so one experimental. I don't think I got to the bonds question. was the section with the 2 sets of twins experimental? or did everyone have it? I finished almost all the questions on the one without the twins which is rare for me in LG, but only managed to get through 13 in the set with the twins....