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Registered for June 2018 LSAT but not prepared!

DevinaCHDevinaCH Alum Member
in General 8 karma

Hello guys, I need some advice.

So, couple of months ago, I joined an offline LSAT course and eventually registered myself for June 24th, 2018 LSAT. However, even after solving preptests I have realized that I am not scoring as expected. I read online that if a candidate withdraws, it is not displayed on the Report. Also, just few days back I came to know about 7sage. Their free trial was helpful and I am anyway planning to enroll myself for one of the 7sage courses as I am sure I won't get the target score in this exam.

Should I still give the exam to see how much I score, anyway, or withdraw my registration?

Thank you.


  • LCMama2017LCMama2017 Alum Member
    2134 karma

    Nooooo, if you are not ready and not scoring where you want to be don't take the test. Take the 7Sage course and when you are scoring to the score you want (and a little higher) then take the test.

  • DevinaCHDevinaCH Alum Member
    8 karma

    Thank you so much for the advice.

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