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Constant video problems

Since I started this course I've been experiencing constant video problems. The videos often don't load completely, they lag, or don't load at all. I'm using Chrome and clearing the cache either helps for a few minutes or not at all. I know the issue is with the 7sage video player, and not my connection, because I don't have problems downloading anything else, including long youtube videos or large downloads. Constantly having to refresh and to wait for videos to load properly is wasting significant amount of my time that I need for actual studying and my busy schedule. I'm very frustrated. I love the content of the course but this is really negatively affecting my experience with it.


  • studentservicestudentservice Alum Member Administrator Moderator Student Services
    1421 karma

    Hey @dave.williamson88,

    Sorry about that! It must be very frustrating.

    Unfortunately, we couldn't reproduce the problem you are having.

    Could you tell us what OS you use? We will try to figure out what's happening. There might be something on your computer that is interfering with 7Sage.

    If possible, could you try another device or network to see if it works?

    Do you use Adobe Flash Player to watch the videos? If so, I suggest that you change the settings on your Account setting page:

    Also can you try blocking Flash on 7sage? (That may help trigger the html5 fallback.)

    Sorry we can't be more helpful.

  • dave.williamson88dave.williamson88 Alum Member
    35 karma

    I'm on Windows 10. I don't have another device, but I have tried other networks and have had the same problem. I didn't even have Flash installed so I must have been using the regular video player.

  • dave.williamson88dave.williamson88 Alum Member
    35 karma

    I tried using the Flash player and it's equally as bad. By blocking Flash on 7sage, do you mean unchecking it in the settings page?

  • studentservicestudentservice Alum Member Administrator Moderator Student Services
    1421 karma

    Sorry about that! Do you have any background softwares that might be interfering with 7Sage?

    @"dave.williamson88" said:
    I tried using the Flash player and it's equally as bad. By blocking Flash on 7sage, do you mean unchecking it in the settings page?

    By blocking Flash, we mean blocking on Chrome.

    Go to chrome://settings/content/ and search "Flash" and add "" to Block.

    Sorry we can't be more helpful.

  • Bianca1234-1Bianca1234-1 Alum Member
    69 karma

    Open 7sage and play a video from a cleanly installed browser and see if you still have the same issue.

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