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... and I am so freaking motivated. If I didnt love lawyering before I sure do now. So inspirational; so mesmerizing... I may have gotten a little emotional but lets just blame it on the preggo hormones. Has anyone else watched it yet? Am I the only one having a serious Come-To-Jesus moment?
I had that moment when I watched Seeing Allred on Netflix
havent seen the RBG movie yet
Going this weekend to see it. Really looking forward to it
Watched it two weekends ago to motivate me to push through the next week. Totally worked!
oooo another good one.
Oh for sure .. I need to add this movie to that motivational movie thread that someone posted a few weeks ago.
This was my Sunday, pre-test activity. Perfect balance of taking my mind off things and motivating me for Monday! And I don't think you have to blame the emotions on preggo hormones... I maaaay have teared up a time or two.
Ohhhh I have to see the movie!!
Omg It was amazing. I cried so many times. highly recommend to anyone who needs a good legal film!
It sounds great! Is it on Netflix?? I haven't seen advertisments for it.
what a PERFECT pre-test movie!
I'm so glad I wasnt the only one crying!
No; it's playing in select theaters nationwide. Here in Dallas it's playing in more 'boutique' movie houses.
The movie was an interesting look into the career of one of America's most distinguished lawyers, but I think it could have been done without the partisan pandering to SJW's. The producers obviously knew their audience and gave them exactly what they wanted - validation of their liberal ideology and confirmation bias that conservatives are backwards, misogynist deplorables. I found the movie about as enjoyable as the September 2016 Eileen Gray reading comp passage.
Omg, I'll have to check out this movie!!
Disagree but ... mmkay. I will concur the Eileen Gray passage is THE single most boring thing I've read lol it's worst than watching the lacquer they keep bringing up in the passage dry.
this is a joke right
What is SJW?
I'll skip the Eileen Gray passage, lol.
SJW = Social Justice Warrior. Ya know... the purple haired basement dwelling types that feel the need enact swift and violent social justice on anyone who believes differently than they do, all in the name of tolerance and progress. Real peachy, fascist types.
And yes!! Skip Eileen Gray passage, preserve your sanity.
Social justice warrior [Source: Wikipedia] (commonly abbreviated SJW) is a pejorative term for an individual who promotes socially progressive views, including feminism, civil rights, and multiculturalism, as well as identity politics.
Fascism [source Merriam-Webster dictionary] :a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition.
Wow, now I'm really excited about the movie. I've never seen someone attribute two totally diametrically opposite political / social philosophies to the same entity. That must be an exciting and groundbreaking piece of cinematic art. Please don't tell me there is anything intentionally inflammatory or hyperbolic in your description which might cause me to be disappointed...
Hoping lots of children and youth go to it.
lol tringo!
I haven't yet. Can hardly wait until my area is progressive enough to show it in any of its theaters. sigh Thanks for the Allred recommendation too.
Note to self: must catch up on SJW/fascist stuff...
P.S. CONGRATULATIONS, @tringo335 on upcoming mommyhood!
I'm so outta the loop. But now I'm back. Stalking a thread new you (everyone).
Saw it. My review:
I saw it too! I found it so cute that her husband had to drag her away from work. Congrats on the pregnancy! I wish you become as successful as RGB!
Thank you!!! Wouldnt that be the dream!!
Thanks for the recommendation...I loved it #notorious
Speaking of Dallas where did you go to see it? I've never heard of either of these places lol. This movie sounds good so I might have to take a break and go check it out.
They had it at the Alamo for a while, the Angelika and Magnolia Theaters. Now the only place left it's playing is the Magnolia on McKinney downtown. Go see it before they stop playing it too!
Aww man I love the Alamo! They have the best fried pickles and that's saying something because I don't even like fried pickles lol. Oops read that wrong and thought you said downtown McKinney lol. Either way I will check it out. Thanks so much!
I seriously have become so spoiled because we hardly watch movies anywhere else now except the Alamo lol. I love their buffalo cauliflower appetizer! And the temptress shake before they took it off the menu
I haven't tried the pickles yet!!
Ohh that sounds good too! I haven't been able to find the time to watch movies these days but that is definitely my go to theater!