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⭐️ Official June 2018 LSAT Discussion Thread ⭐️



  • moonrider919moonrider919 Alum Member
    247 karma

    @akistotle Sorry!

    28 karma

    Any guesses on when scores will be released (if they’re released early)?

  • ChaimtheGreatChaimtheGreat Alum Member 🍌🍌
    1277 karma

    Yeah but waiting longer is giving me anxiety lol- especially when I am trying to keep my skills honed for July.

  • AudaciousRedAudaciousRed Alum Member
    2689 karma

    3 days to go.
    How I feel on the inside:

    How I seem from the outside:

  • sx23sx23 Alum Member
    409 karma

    This anxiety is so real OMG my brain has stopped working

  • sunflowersandlawsunflowersandlaw Alum Member
    360 karma

    I just want to knowwww already!!!

  • eRetakereRetaker Free Trial Member
    2043 karma

    My score is at the mercy of the RC section and I'm constantly shuffling through the five stages of grief waiting lol

  • Leah M BLeah M B Alum Member
    8392 karma

    It’s almost time! We’re inching closer to gray day. Since this is my 2nd time around and, luckily, I’m happy with my first score, I’m having so much less anxiety waiting. But for those of you who are about to lose your minds: deep breaths. Most people feel like that. And no matter what happens with your score, remember that you can always Re-take. There’s plenty of time before next cycle still. So just try to keep yourself busy to keep from thinking about it, and try to keep things in perspective, no matter how it shakes out. Your 7sage crew will be here for you, whether to celebrate or commiserate. You got this!

  • Habeas PorpoiseHabeas Porpoise Alum Member Sage
    edited June 2018 1866 karma

    I was pretty much fine until last night when I had my first memorable LSAT-related nightmare.

    I dreamt that I went to my LSAC page to see if it was gray day yet, but my score was already there! A bold 149. My diagnostic was a 147. My dream self was absolutely heartbroken that all I got was two points after having studied for over a year and maintained a far higher PT average.
    When I opened the response sheet, I saw that I got a 120 in one of the sections (I think it was RC), which isn't possible because, well, we all know that sections aren't graded on a 180 scale. There was another page that had my bubble sheet scanned in (idk how this differed from the response sheet, lol), and I had a question where I bubbled two ACs, so I didn't even get points for the question.
    I think the shock of it all woke me up and it took me a few solid seconds to convince myself that it wasn't real.

    I can't wait for this wait to be over.

  • ChaimtheGreatChaimtheGreat Alum Member 🍌🍌
    1277 karma

    I got an email from LSAC not lsat related and my heart almost exploded.

  • AudaciousRedAudaciousRed Alum Member
    2689 karma

    @ChaimtheGreat said:
    I got an email from LSAC not lsat related and my heart almost exploded.


  • sx23sx23 Alum Member
    409 karma

    Anybody think scores might be out tmr?

  • 439 karma

    @"Habeas Porpoise" said:
    I was pretty much fine until last night when I had my first memorable LSAT-related nightmare.

    I dreamt that I went to my LSAC page to see if it was grey day yet, but my score was already there! A bold 149. My diagnostic was a 147. My dream self was absolutely heartbroken that all I got was two points after having studied for over a year and maintained a far higher PT average.
    When I opened the response sheet, I saw that I got a 120 in one of the sections (I think it was RC), which isn't possible because, well, we all know that sections aren't graded on a 180 scale. There was another page that had my bubble sheet scanned in (idk how this differed from the response sheet, lol), and I had a question where I bubbled two ACs, so I didn't even get points for the question.
    I think the shock of it all woke me up and it took me a few solid seconds to convince myself that it wasn't real.

    I can't wait for this wait to be over.

    I had a dream this morning that it was the 29th. Didn't actually get to see my score though. Shit is getting to me.

  • teamteamvicsterteamteamvicster Alum Member
    774 karma

    @"Habeas Porpoise" said:
    I dreamt that I went to my LSAC page to see if it was grey day yet, but my score was already there! A bold 149. My diagnostic was a 147. My dream self was absolutely heartbroken that all I got was two points after having studied for over a year and maintained a far higher PT average.


  • Return On InferenceReturn On Inference Alum Member
    503 karma

    Just dropping in to say that I'm also in the stress-dreaming-about-the-lsat club.


  • Habeas PorpoiseHabeas Porpoise Alum Member Sage
    edited June 2018 1866 karma

    @LSATisJustLikeDarkSouls, I've definitely re-confirmed the date several times over the past few hours. It'll be the 29th in just a bit!

    @teamteamvicster, lol! Maybe! The LSAT does weird things to our minds, so I wouldn't rule it out entirely XD

    @"Return On Inference" Welcome to the club, lol!

  • ChaimtheGreatChaimtheGreat Alum Member 🍌🍌
    1277 karma

    Okay I literally just got an email from LSAC about the Khan Academy materials. Look LSAC, I love that you are giving free LSAT prep- fantastic- but you are doing a number on my heart rate.

  • AudaciousRedAudaciousRed Alum Member
    2689 karma

    LoL. I now know how you feel. Email from them about an LOR coming in just now.

  • pasu1223pasu1223 Alum Member
    109 karma

    Glad to hear I'm not the only one having dreams about scores.

    I dreamt last night that I got a "164.5" lolol because that's a score you can get.....

  • lady macbethlady macbeth Alum Member
    894 karma

    Sorry if this question was answered already, but were there any "weird" games in the LG section on this test?

  • AudaciousRedAudaciousRed Alum Member
    2689 karma

    Dumb question here... but what time does LSAC generally release results?

  • Cofife88Cofife88 Member
    90 karma

    @AudaciousRed Typically LSAC begins releasing scores at about 4:30 pm ET. The expected release time for tomorrow has been a matter of debate, though, because of a few weird release times lately. I’m personally thinking it’ll release around 12:00 pm ET, but we will see.

  • AudaciousRedAudaciousRed Alum Member
    2689 karma

    Oh good. I'd prefer not to be an utter mess at work tomorrow. Let's hope it's 4:30pm ET so I can vent appropriately.

  • 93 karma

    @AudaciousRed I was thinking the same thing :'D If I get the email during work, I'm not opening until I leave...

  • Habeas PorpoiseHabeas Porpoise Alum Member Sage
    1866 karma

    @"Creative Username" said:
    @AudaciousRed I was thinking the same thing :'D If I get the email during work, I'm not opening until I leave...

    Until curiosity threatens to kill us and we open it anyway?

  • lmr0322-1lmr0322-1 Free Trial Member
    edited June 2018 15 karma

    It is officially Grey Day! Happy holiday everyone. May the curve be ever in your favor.

  • AudaciousRedAudaciousRed Alum Member
    2689 karma

    Just got the email. And... I bombed. Be seeing ya'll at a later testing date. September.. maybe November at this rate.

  • ChaimtheGreatChaimtheGreat Alum Member 🍌🍌
    1277 karma

    Yeah my stuff is available on lsac already. No email

  • ExcludedMiddleExcludedMiddle Alum Member
    edited June 2018 737 karma

    Wow. This one was a big disappointment for me. It's looking like November will be the next one for me too, AudaciousRed.

  • Habeas PorpoiseHabeas Porpoise Alum Member Sage
    edited June 2018 1866 karma

    Yeah, I have to retake, too. :( Didn't bomb exactly but did a couple points worse than my average. Ugh I need to figure out how to get my LR down some more. -_-

  • 224 karma

    GREY GREY GREY. Retake retake retake

  • KaterynaKateryna Alum Member
    edited June 2018 984 karma

    Will be retaking

  • 224 karma

    I scored exactly the same on this one as I did my last take on December 2016. Absolutely devastated

  • KevinA14KevinA14 Alum Member
    71 karma

    I did 5 points worse than my last score. I'll be taking it again this July!
    Keep studying and working hard everyone!

  • Hamaseh_SHamaseh_S Alum Member
    436 karma

    Hey do the percentiles seem a little bit off for you guys? Like a lot higher for a lot lower scores?

  • Hamaseh_SHamaseh_S Alum Member
    436 karma

    Oh jk nevermind

  • sunflowersandlawsunflowersandlaw Alum Member
    360 karma

    That RC destroyed me.

  • jlaw7494jlaw7494 Alum Member
    60 karma

    Oof ouch owie

  • Jane1990Jane1990 Alum Member
    197 karma

    Retaking in September haha

  • Michelle ObamaMichelle Obama Alum Member
    111 karma

    Letsss goooooooo!!!! Went from a 135 to 153!!!!! At least I can finally get into a decent law school!!! IM DONE ??‍???‍⚖??????

  • CoffeeBeansCoffeeBeans Member
    81 karma

    Scored a couple of points less than my PTs. Taking it again in September.

  • Nico K331Nico K331 Alum Member
    57 karma

    Wow, totally dazed and confused. Diagnostic was 152, score just came in at 148. This whole experience has been such an interesting one, a test of my commitment to myself and my future, and I am proud I even did it. I’ve loved the community and sense of humor in this group and from JY. I think 7Sage is incredible! So thank you all!!!

    I’m a first-timer and 42 years-old so there’s enough distance from standardized test taking that I really thought that was why I walked out of the test thinking I’d bombed. And again, as a first-timer, I have nothing to compare this to, but that the language of that test was obnoxiously different than anything I’d ever seen on the preps. I had real RC first. The questions were written so strangely! Obviously I won’t get into specifics. Strange is the only way to put it. Logic games, well we all know the real one had one in particular that was quite difficult but also had a strangeness to it. And LR, equally weird.

    That’s my conclusion! My experience was that LSAC hired a bunch of writers who were aiming to leave me utterly bewildered about the efficacy of standardized tests.

    100% glad the wait is over. My score came in at 1:45 am, btw.

  • Nico K331Nico K331 Alum Member
    57 karma

    Update! I just went through the results and can leave you with this as well: RC, which was a strength for me, was most definitely what I bombed and BIG. I went -4 on some PTs in RC; the big day was -17!!!! I did remarkably better on LR (thanks 7sage!!!) and exactly how I thought I would on LG, nailed some, failed some.

  • ajaraya0ajaraya0 Alum Member
    79 karma

    -1 on LG WHAT. Only possible with 7sage. Thank you!!!

  • jhanco10jhanco10 Alum Member
    195 karma

    How do we know which ones we missed?

  • akistotleakistotle Member 🍌🍌
    9382 karma

    @jhanco10 said:
    How do we know which ones we missed?

    You can see them on your IRR (Item Response Report)!

  • BigCDog92BigCDog92 Member
    16 karma

    got my score back... I got a 152. im going to get serious about studying now. I feel like I was to lacksidasical in my prep. just upgraded to ultimate even though im broke and im getting through all of this content before September. ugh.

  • Return On InferenceReturn On Inference Alum Member
    503 karma

    Man, I'm bummed. I scored 3 points lower than my PT average. July here I come I guess.

  • teamteamvicsterteamteamvicster Alum Member
    edited June 2018 774 karma

    Question--is the disclosure book supposed to match up with the IRR?
    Under my disclosure book, it says what form I took and then Sec. 2, 3, 4 & 5 (missing section 1). Then when I go to my IRR, it shows Sec. 1, 2, 3 and 5 (missing section 4). Do I just not have enough coffee in my system to understand this?

    Edit: I think I got it. Answer is not enough coffee.

  • Leah M BLeah M B Alum Member
    8392 karma

    Hahaha bombed it too. So weird. Lowest score I’ve gotten since... I don’t know how long. Looks like I am in good company! Man, feels unusual that so many people are all saying their score was way lower than expected. Haven’t gotten to look at the report yet, just the email. I’ll have to go over and see what’s up. My thought coming out of the test was that I did ok, likely more answers correct than in December, but might get killed by the curve. But instead I must have missed way more questions. Anyone see what the curve is? It’ll be a couple hours until I can sit down and take a look at the details.

    Well, as is said before, your 7sage fam is here for everyone! And it sounds like a lot of us will be retaking. I wasn’t thinking I’d be likely to retake, but scoring significantly lower than my take in December doesn’t feel like a good look, even if schools will consider my December anyway. But leaves a bad taste in my mouth having my lowest score in ages be my most recent score with LSAC. :-/ So, September here I come!

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