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Still missing 4-6 on RC. Any advice?

I'm missing about 3 on each LR section, 0 on games, but RC is still holding me back from hitting 170+ -- so frustrating! Last two PT's in a row I've hit 169, missing the 170 mark by one point. I understand that about 90% of RC is must be true questions so I'm wondering if I maybe just need to drill MBT questions. Anyone who started doing better on RC, what did you notice that you were doing wrong and how did you fix it to improve?


  • kimpg_66kimpg_66 Alum Member
    1617 karma

    Something I realized while prepping is that every single answer is in the passage. No, seriously. So when I would drilled RC passages, I started out by not timing myself. I would read the passage once and write the summaries for each paragraph. Then when answering the questions, I would write the line number that supported the correct answer, taking as long as needed to find the right answer. This really helped me.

  • sx23sx23 Alum Member
    409 karma

    What types of questions are you missing? General/structural questions? Parallel? Or are you missing MSS (author most likely agree) questions? Depending on what your weakness is you might need different strategies.

  • keets993keets993 Alum Member 🍌
    6050 karma

    Then when answering the questions, I would write the line number that supported the correct answer, taking as long as needed to find the right answer. This really helped me.

    This is so important. Even with inference or must be true questions, sometimes if you're stuck between two answer choices, because you're not sure if the author stated something or the term that an answer choice used isn't consistent with what you think was in the passage, you really have to skim (or when not under timed conditions - read) the entire passage to see if that term was used and if so, in what context.

    Once you realize that everything is IN the passage, it's a whole new game.

  • testfromawaytestfromaway Alum Member
    280 karma

    @kimmy_m66 said:
    Then when answering the questions, I would write the line number that supported the correct answer, taking as long as needed to find the right answer.

    This is my strategy also. You should be able to cite exactly where your answer comes from within the passage, and doing that successfully will help you check your comprehension, decrease sloppy mistakes, and gain those points.

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