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Personal statement review

jhanco10jhanco10 Alum Member

Good evening,

I have began working on my personal statement and have narrowed my decision to three topics. I cannot decide which one is most fitting and relevant. If anyone is interested in reading what I have so far and providing feedback, that would be awesome. I would be willing to exchange my work so far with other’s as well. If anyone is interested, please message me your email. Thank you so much in advance


  • hmsjms1970hmsjms1970 Member
    29 karma

    I was English teacher for some time....That doesn't mean I am an expert, but if you want me to read something, I would take a look. Message me back and let me know if you would like me to read and possibly provide comments.

  • LivingThatLSATdreamLivingThatLSATdream Alum Member
    500 karma

    Write rough drafts for all three topics and see where they go. Then write second drafts honing in on the topics in a different way. The other thing to note is that while law school essays are similar, there are some differences. Some are completely open ended, some want why law, some want professional attributes to shine through, etc. Which essay is “most fitting and relevant”will be dependent on which schools you apply to. It may be good to create a spreadsheet with the schools to which you plan to apply and their requirements. 7sage has an excel sheet for the top 20 application requirements.

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