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On Thursday, July 12, at 9 p.m. ET, I’ll walk you through the factors that affect your chances of admission. Afterwards, members of the 7Sage admissions team will field your questions.
Everyone who comes to the webinar will get early access to the new 7Sage admissions predictor.
You’ll have to register for this webinar in advance.
→ Please register for the webinar (July 12, 2018 @ 9:00 p.m. ET) here:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.
Zoom might prompt you to download something before you can join the webinar, so I’d advise you to show up a bit early on Thursday.
I can't wait for this!
Look forward to seeing everyone next Thursday!
Hoping I can make it. Wednesday would have been better. I'll be at work and there may be things going on at the time.
Psyched to see you all on Thursday!
Looking forward to seeing you all there!
Awesome, thank you for this
Will this include information about Canadian schools as well or just American schools?
@Asdfghjk321 It will focus on American schools.
This is awesome! We will get access to admissions predictor tonight as well?
@jhanco10 Yup!
If you want q's in advance - I was going to ask in terms of %chance of getting in based on Gpa and Lsat score only (LSAC's calculator), what % is considered reach, target, and fall back?
I'll re ask at the end too
thanks for hosting this
@"David.Busis" I attended the webinar and I am having trouble finding the admissions prediction calculator. Could you please post the link?
Hi! I just left the webinar and I'm having trouble finding the admissions prediction calculator as well. Thanks for the help!
@LAWYERED @"willi.iman.k"
password: webinar