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September'18 Study Group | Blind Review PT 57 | Thursday, July 5th | 7:30 pm EST
Hope all my American friends won't be too hungover for this!
(When you're past the third hour of the BR call)
If you are done the curriculum or almost done the curriculum, join us when you can. We welcome people in all stages of prep. The point of the group is to get your lsat nerd on with other like-minded people and make the process more fun. Expand your thinking and learning by interacting with others! For my fellow shy-people, everyone is going to be focused on their own answers/questions that I guarantee you they will not be judging you based on mispronounced words, reading-speed, etc. It's all for fun!
Note: Take the PT under timed conditions; BR to the best of your abilities; join us for all or part of the call! For the purposes of the group please don't check the answers beforehand. If you happen to know the answer, keep it to yourself, and win the argument using your reasoning. Also, please don't go "so I know the answer is C but I don't know why B is wrong?" as the purpose is so that we all collaborate on improving our reasoning skills.
Enter the questions you wish to go over on the spreadsheet below! Write your name beside the question(s) you wish to cover, if the question(s) you want to cover are already marked by someone else, add your name! The more discussion, the merrier.
Tentative Schedule:
September 18 Study Group
Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.
You can also dial in using your phone.
United States: +1 (224) 501-3412
Access Code: 879-623-125
Joining from a video-conferencing room or system?
Cisco devices: 879623125@
First GoToMeeting? Let's do a quick system check:
Note: I will not be sharing my screen so please have the material in front of you.
@"Beast Mode" @"alyhobbs" @"lsatplaylist" @"wrasschaert" @"xtinextine" @"Emily2122" @"kragdar2000" @"Merp_Merp" @"Shazia..." @"scales_of_j" @"mjmonte17" @"Sarah_39" @"elviozeze23" @"kwdardis" @"PandaRamen" @"Nabintou" @"Nora1995" @"Nefertari" @"Castillo" @"toniafisher1" @"legallyspoonie" @"ajaraya0" @"foxtrot96" @"ML_LSAT_Killa" @LSATSurvivor" @Maritzaa @"ahous001" @LivingThatLSATdream @"Ortiz_44" @"Linda1205" @"juanmapm" @AshleighK @"LauraC120" @"Tongan_Rambo" @"ybao523" @"Kermit750" @"Tortsillustrated" @"alyssamcc0593" @"venalexb" @"L.Etranger" @"tmcdonald03" @AngusMcGillis @"MinnaH." @"surfy surf" @"paulmv.benthem" @Micolash @LastLSAT @KLKuhnnn @ychen1026 @Lilzillaa @vanessacb518 @beeh922 @JenBrooklyn @JD_Davis @jhanco10 @RedNomad @kragdar2000 @AlexRexeger @bcallahan95 @LCMama2017 @"Victoria." @yypc2001 @cgracia12 @ColinTurner610 @Ellie0257 @acevere84 @rpadr007 @TheLSATer @Stanford_Hopeful @T_Sense1 @Fluccci3 @Dacalvert @Sadaf529 @VDH_dee5 @Dacalvert @"Adam Hawks" @vanessaray4 @Gladiator_2017 @gogulky @Mimsquad @BinghamtonDave @twssmith @"chung.rachel.h" @CRLSUUUU @"Sarah J." @neliusg67 @ElleWoods77 @btownsquee @michael_theodore @1percntr @theLSATstruggs @alyssamcc0593 @"Love is Justice" @TChalla @Tonyk215 @leslieh327 @kelly1234 @IntoTheFray @fengx346 @TTurner24 @lost_kub @ILikeCereal @"samantha.ashley92" @"forest.dearing.2017" @Sleepysloth @Cristian-1
Also, if you change your username please let me know so you are tagged & can receive updates
If I can join in on this meeting it will be at the end. I imagine that both LR sections will not be reviewed in one night, so please do let me know about follow up or continued review and I will plan to join that.
@ILikeCereal wants to join! (
@ILikeCereal you are added
I'm going to call you eagle eye from now...or do hawks have better ones? (I feel like there needs to be a passage on RC discussing animal eyes)
@kwdardis Yes I highly doubt they'll both be covered in one night! I actually won't be making this one so @"paulmv.benthem" is stepping in for me.
@akistotle thanks as always
Hey! How often are you planning on doing these calls? Can you please add me to the list for the future?
@"samantha.ashley92" sure thing, you're on the list
! Here's the schedule :
We do at least one section a week. Sometimes we do a second one for the second LR section, it all depends on people's availability.
@keets993 thank you! So are you doing PT 58 next? I haven't done 57 yet, but I can do the next PT soon for future calls.
@"samantha.ashley92" so this thursday is PT 57 and that's followed by PT 63 the following thursday. Since there's limited time, we want people to get a taste of as many different PT's as they can, especially since there are noticeable differences in each group of tens (say the 50s as opposed to 60s).
@keets993 I'd love to join this group if possible!
@"forest.dearing.2017" sure thing, added!
would like to join this!!!
Hi!! Firstly, you are absolutely awesome for setting this up
! Is there a way that I can join this, as well? I am working on the CC but am powering through it and would love to join ASAP! Have an amazing day!
@Cristian-1 just join us when you can! Check the schedule for the week you want to join and make sure you've taken the PT timed and BR-ed it to the best of your abilities before you join.
@Sleepysloth you're added
I just opened the list and now I see it haha. Thanks!
Hey! So I think I'm going to take a week or two off from the study group to focus on drilling LR and brushing up on RC and LG. Hope you all are doing well!
@xtinextine no worries Christine! Happy drilling, see you when you get back
Wanted to bump this so others can see we have a meeting tonight. I also wanted to point out that Section 3 question 8: the LSAT writers might actually have a sense of humor? lol
Hi all, I was looking at the spreadsheet for tonight's BR, and it still states that it is for PT 53. Is there a different link for PT57? or we could just type the question numbers (for PT 57) on the same spreadsheet for the BR tonight?
@PandaRamen, thanks for catching that! I just changed it!
can someone explain priority versus strategy qs (in the doc) to me? Thanks in advance!
@Nabintou so priority questions are questions you struggled with. Strategy questions are ones where you got an answer choice through process of elimination but you're not sure how/why it works as the right answer choice or its relationship to the stimulus. Most of the time, if a question shows up on strategy and priority, by dealing with the question as a priority question we figure out the strategy for it.
A strategy question could also be one where you got it through POE but you are wondering how to get faster at it. In the past we've discussed things like: if it's a question dealing with Parallel MoR and an answer choice concludes the sufficient condition then you know to eliminate it immediately because that's an invalid argument form; or for necessary assumption questions, revisiting the negation technique and how to properly negate.
gotcha. thank you, @keets993
ill be around next week
Thanks for coming out everyone! T'was oodles of fun!
Let's give a big round of applause for @"paulmv.benthem" and @ElleWoods77 for leading today's session
Awwh it was really Paul, I was out here getting lost by one single weakening question lol
@"paulmv.benthem" - I'm checking in to see how far you got last night. @keets993 do you have any idea on the continuation? Perhaps Sunday again? You guys may still be recovering from last night's session, so no rush. I am simply eager to do some group BR since I had to miss last night.
@kwdardis : We only worked through Section 2. I suspect, given the fact that few people had added their names to the questions for Section 3 on the spreadsheet, that most people anticipated only doing the one section. I'll be sending out a message thread this afternoon to people who are potentially interested in meeting to do Section 3. I'l be sure to add your name to the list!
@"paulmv.benthem" Do you mind adding me to the list for section 3? It would be greatly appreciated.
@lost_kub : Will do!
@"paulmv.benthem" I couldn't make the session the other night, but I'm definitely interested in joining a review session for section 3
@"forest.dearing.2017" : Sounds great! I just added you to the message thread! We'll be meeting via GTM on Monday evening at 6:30 EST. Looking forward to meeting you!