Query failed: connection to failed (errno=111, msg=Connection refused). Retake in October or January? - 7Sage Forum

Retake in October or January?

amicuslsatamicuslsat Alum Member
in General 178 karma

Just got my LSAT score, I gave it for the second time and scored a 165. My first attempt was a 157. I'm not satisfied with my scores since my PT average was a 175, but I have severe anxiety problems and had to rush to the bathroom twice during the test because I felt like I was going to throw up, so this score was only natural. I'm planning to give it again (my last and final try), but Asia has only two more test dates for this cycle- October and January.

October is a tad bit early in my opinion, but I can make it work. I don't need to go over the CC again since I've thoroughly studied it twice now. I'll just start PT-ing from this Saturday.

I was curious if January was too late for this cycle. I'm also worried about burnout, since this will be my third time and I'm already very disheartened. Thoughts?

October or January?
  1. When should I register?5 votes
    1. October
    2. January


  • CantStopWontStopCantStopWontStop Alum Member
    1270 karma

    Definitely October. With a 175 pt average you clearly have it. You need to now take care of the mental part. Taking oct will allow you to apply early. The January test will severely cripple you for admissions. It really is too late. Read mental toughness books, do tons of therapy, meditate, yoga, and you got this!

  • CantStopWontStopCantStopWontStop Alum Member
    1270 karma

    Ps I had anxiety issues, and these helped me

  • ebalde1234ebalde1234 Member
    905 karma

    Have you considered keeping in touch with a therapist ? I too suffer from nausea when I have anxiety, I’m not sure but does lsac allow chewing gum ... spearmint does the trick for me and apparently I heard it helps with cognition (don’t quote me on that haha) most people recommend mindfulness , meditation. Try to take breaks and get physical exercise. Have you tried using the proctor app on 7sage and simulating the test day as close as possible when you pt? Feel free to pm

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