If anyone has taken more than one LSAT, as in, maybe one in the summer and one in the regular school year; is there a difference? I'm speaking performance wise here. I mean, 12pm seems like a much better time to take a test. Our biological clocks are use to being awake and active by 12 (most people). Do people score higher in the summer in general?
I'm taking the June exam and was wondering if this is a thing. When I took the December 2014 exam I woke up at 5am to get ready (I woke up at 5am regularly with about 8 hours of sleep). I still feel like it was too early for the test. Also, LG happened to be my first section and I was just not fully awake at that point in time (mentally).
If anyone has questions, thoughts, or perspectives, please share.
Personally, writing at 12:00 PM would be horrific for me. I'm an early riser. The 9 start time for the December (or was it 8? I can't remember) was perfect for me.
I think it's all up to individual preference.
@royaimani Yeah it may not be reliable, but if you come across it again please link:D
@"Nilesh S" You're right, it shouldn't matter. Like I said it was my routine (for school/working out), to wake up at 5am and what not. I guess I'm just not a morning person? I also never PTed in the morning, maybe that was a factor. When I start PTing for the June test I'll probably take my exams around 12pm to get into that habit, and also BR at 12 the next day. Also, I've been drinking redbull first thing in the morning for the past 6 months :P.. It does wake my mind initially, but not so much now. I built a tolerance I suppose! I will get off of it until maybe 2 months till the exam, then start again (like half a can). I know it's unhealthy, but it's temporary.
@ddakjiking Yeah I understand, I guess I'm just not a morning person ..
I wouldn't worry too much about stressing over which date is "harder". I had that coming into Feb. Since it's an undisclosed test, I was worrying whether I see a funky LR question or worse, a crazy rare LG game type. Luckily, this past Feb test was pretty damn standard IMO. Keep on studying and you'll do well in June!