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Hey everyone- just looking to see where people put their purses / bags / phones during the actual test . I heard some proctors or most just let you put them at the front of the class (I know it’s a luck thing ) as I’ve heard it both ways. What did you do on test day ?
I brought neither a bag nor a phone. I just didn't see the point.
I didn't bring my phone. At the end of the exam, I asked a stranger to use their phone.
I saw some people keep their phone on them. I suggest you don't take that risk.
Please, do every person in the test center a favor, and leave your phone in your car!!!!! LSAC puts it on everything they send us for a reason. On my test day, 3 people brought phones into the center and made all of us almost 40 minutes late because proctors had them go back to their cars and put them back. It was honestly really annoying and shitty, and threw a lot of people off of their game.
You can only bring in the ziploc bag that they specify in their instructions for Test Day and a drink. Put your purse in your car, and put your car key in your ziploc.
With the exception of the allowed zip lock bag which goes under my seat and my phone which I leave in my car, the rest of the things you describe pretty much stay at my house where I normally store them. I guess I could move them into short term storage but that would just add additional stress to my LSAT preparation.
Absolutely don't bring a bag or phone in. It's very very rare for a test center to let you do that, and more likely that you'll not be allowed that. I always left mine in my car. If you are taking public transit, leave it at home and feel the freedom of being untethered to the internet.
If you have to take uber or something that requires a phone, you could always try connecting with another student there and see if anyone will have mercy on you and allow you to stash your phone in their car. Or, take a risk and hide it somewhere in a hallway or something. But please, do not bring items in that aren't allowed. It's a pain and can cause your fellow test takers to be delayed which isn't cool.
Save yourself the anxiety and not bring anything that the LSAC strictly prohibits. It can throw you off your game if you're worrying about where to store your things or the possibility that it might get stolen. I only had a ziploc bag.
Thank you for responding everyone, I found it weird that people were saying to bring that stuff in .
They are gunners trying to get rid of competitors early on.
Like everyone says, don't bring it into the test center. Leave it at home or in the car if necessary. If you must bring it into the venue, follow the instructions of the proctor.
I'll share my experience here in case you have to bring your phone in no matter what. Just note that I took my test outside the US.
I brought both my backpack and phone to the test center because I needed to call a friend to pick me up after the test (the parking situation was just horrible at the venue, plus it was more accessible via public transport). The proctor simply instructed me to turn off the phone, put it in the bag and leave it outside the testing room. It turned out almost everyone brought theirs too.
So I guess it depends on the situation. But again, be safe and leave your belongings at home or in the car.
Lol how novel
Honestly, for me at least, leaving my phone in the car was just having to not worry about what if situations or if they will even take it. There are countless other very important aspects that you have to worry about, with getting your mind right being the priority. Finding it difficult to get a ride home after the test is a small price to pay for being calm and ready when you open up that packet imo.