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RC Review Group

Legally_SpeakingLegally_Speaking Alum Member
edited July 2018 in Reading Comprehension 553 karma

If anyone is interested in meeting semi-regularly to review RC passages/question types they find especially difficult let me know and I can organize a group.

Review Group Platform
  1. What media platform should we use?29 votes
    1. GoToMeeting
    2. Skype
    3. Zoom?


  • ajstephens93ajstephens93 Alum Member
    116 karma

    I am interested

  • KeepCalmKeepCalm Alum Member
    807 karma


  • btownsqueebtownsquee Alum Member
    1207 karma

    I'm interested as well!

  • LilzillaaLilzillaa Alum Member
    18 karma

    me me me!

  • Legally_SpeakingLegally_Speaking Alum Member
    553 karma

    Dope! I have a collection of science passages I've found to be difficult ranging from PT 36 to some PT's in the 50's, but I'm open to any suggestions. Also, would you all prefer to use GoToMeeting or Skype?

  • ajstephens93ajstephens93 Alum Member
    116 karma

    I think I'd prefer skype, but I'm flexible. Also, science passages are my achilles heel, so that sounds perfect lol

  • Legally_SpeakingLegally_Speaking Alum Member
    553 karma

    Alright great to hear from everyone. What day(s) and time(s) work for people?

  • UrbanNerdUrbanNerd Alum Member
    12 karma

    I'm Interested! Mornings/Afternoons work best for me (8am-1pm). Monday-Friday.

  • Victoria.Victoria. Member
    553 karma

    Interested. Flexible with timing and mode of communication. Can we throw some comparative passages in there as well?

  • Legally_SpeakingLegally_Speaking Alum Member
    553 karma

    I was thinking we could start with PT 36 passage 3 and then move to PT's 42 and 45 Sections 4 and 3 respectively. These are all science passages and, as such, seem like a solid starting point. If Skype seems to work best for everyone I'm fine with that as well and yes @"Victoria." I think we'd be wise to do some comparative passages. Section two from PT's 54 and 55 are both comparative and could be useful unless people are planning to take either of those as PT's in the near future.

  • Legally_SpeakingLegally_Speaking Alum Member
    553 karma

    I see one person mentioned morning and afternoon, what are everyone else's thoughts about a good time? @ajstephens93 @"MinnaH." @btownsquee @Lilzillaa @"Victoria."

  • ajstephens93ajstephens93 Alum Member
    116 karma

    I just stopped working to study full time and have a great deal of flexibility. If it's up to a vote, I choose mornings. However, if some of you have hard constraints, I totally get it and would be fine with times that are good for everyone

  • btownsqueebtownsquee Alum Member
    1207 karma

    Hi all--the best times for me would be evenings Tuesdays and Fridays up till 830 pm EST.

  • Martin. TMartin. T Alum Member
    53 karma

    I am interested

  • Victoria.Victoria. Member
    553 karma

    I'm flexible with time.

  • monp0485monp0485 Member
    101 karma

    Interested! Evenings work best for me

  • alyhobbsalyhobbs Alum Member
    715 karma

    I'm interested also. RC is by far my worst section.

  • thinkorswimthinkorswim Alum Member
    433 karma

    I'm interested too I live in the Pacific Time so hopefully I'll be able to make it .

  • thinkorswimthinkorswim Alum Member
    433 karma

    Oh and I struggle with humanities passage haha

  • Kermit750Kermit750 Alum Member
    2124 karma

    I'm interested

  • GLA12345GLA12345 Free Trial Member
    edited July 2018 2 karma

    I’m interested! I’m flexible pretty much with time later on in the evening. Also, I think going over the science passages would be great!

  • fengx346fengx346 Alum Member
    225 karma

    I’m interested! RC is really tough for me. As for time, evening is better for me :)

  • Legally_SpeakingLegally_Speaking Alum Member
    553 karma

    Wow, great to see such a response! From surveying the comments, it looks like science and humanities passages are where we should start. How would Monday-Wednesday at 7:30 EST work for everyone? Also, how about we start off with PT 42 passage 4 and PT 45 passage 3 (both science passages) and, following this, look at PT 27 Passage 2 and PT 32 Passage 2 for some humanities practice.

  • oneclimboneclimb Alum Member
    268 karma

    Sounds great count me in!

  • Legally_SpeakingLegally_Speaking Alum Member
    553 karma

    If anyone else has a particular preference for what media platform we use please vote

  • Legally_SpeakingLegally_Speaking Alum Member
    553 karma

    Given that JY is holding RC BR sessions for PT 84 Monday and Wednesday this week and I will be moving this Thursday it looks as though I won't be able to host an RC review session. I highly encourage anyone struggling with and/or simply interested in improving RC to attend a JY led session!

  • Mia FairweatherMia Fairweather Alum Member
    221 karma


  • samantha.ashley92samantha.ashley92 Alum Member
    1777 karma
  • Legally_SpeakingLegally_Speaking Alum Member
    553 karma

    Would Saturday afternoon or anytime Sunday work for you all? It looks as though Skype is the preferred platform.

  • AlexRexegerAlexRexeger Alum Member
    178 karma

    Interested! I can probably do late Saturday afternoon. And let me know what you’d like to do for the week. I work 9-6 but I’m generally available Mondays - Thursdays at 7:30 pm EST.

  • egrivera2egrivera2 Alum Member
    44 karma

    Interested. Also not working so time is flexible for me! Saturdays or Sundays work.

  • Nabintou-1Nabintou-1 Alum Member
    410 karma

    Hi! I’m interested as well.

  • Legally_SpeakingLegally_Speaking Alum Member
    553 karma

    Great to see there's even more interest! I'm moving to a new city tomorrow with a three hour time change so how would this Saturday at 11 PST work to look at PT 42 passage 4 and PT 45 passage 3?

  • AlexRexegerAlexRexeger Alum Member
    178 karma

    Works for me! Will we be Skyping?

  • Legally_SpeakingLegally_Speaking Alum Member
    553 karma

    Yes, as of now it looks like Skype is preferred overall though personally I'm more familiar with using GoToMeeting for this kind of thing. Whatever works best for the people who think they will attend!

  • 62 karma

    When will be the first day this happens?

  • babybartels2babybartels2 Alum Member
    40 karma

    @"forest.dearing.2017" said:
    Would Saturday afternoon or anytime Sunday work for you all? It looks as though Skype is the preferred platform.

    Yes !

  • AlexRexegerAlexRexeger Alum Member
    178 karma

    I’m good with whatever works for everyone so if GoToMyMeeting works better let’s do it. And those two passages work for me.

  • Jennifer 2021-1-1Jennifer 2021-1-1 Core Member
    204 karma

    I am interesting, @forest.dearing.2017 would you provide a link?

  • prernafaithprernafaith Free Trial Member
    59 karma

    I am interested if I can still join in!

  • Lucas CarterLucas Carter Alum Member
    2804 karma

    @"forest.dearing.2017" Could you maybe post a tentative schedule of the meetings? I would be down to meet every other day if there is interest in doing them that often.

  • Legally_SpeakingLegally_Speaking Alum Member
    553 karma

    I apologize for the delayed response. Currently, I'm no longer in a position to host the review but I encourage anyone else to take the mantel and organize as they see fit.

  • AlexRexegerAlexRexeger Alum Member
    178 karma

    Anyone want to do RC for PT 53 on Friday? I’m available Friday all day.

  • Legally_SpeakingLegally_Speaking Alum Member
    553 karma

    @AlexRexeger I could potentially join a review session Friday. I'm on PST currently, what time works for you.

  • 381 karma

    I am available to meet Friday

  • keets993keets993 Alum Member 🍌
    6050 karma

    I just ask, for whomever is planning, to not schedule anything on Thursday nights :)

  • AlexRexegerAlexRexeger Alum Member
    178 karma

    No Thursday nights it is! @"forest.dearing.2017" and @ColinTurner610 could some time Friday between 12pm EST / 9am PST and 5pm EST/ 2pm PST work for you? I’ll be up at around 6am EST and I’ll probably be drilling all day until we review so just let me know!

  • Legally_SpeakingLegally_Speaking Alum Member
    553 karma

    @AlexRexeger I have a call tomorrow at 9:30 PST, but anytime following that I should be able to make. What platform are you thinking?

  • AlexRexegerAlexRexeger Alum Member
    178 karma

    @"forest.dearing.2017" I don’t think I can do tomorrow. I work 9-6 and I’m going to be reviewing a different RC section (46) with some people at 7:30 EST (which you are more than welcome to join by the way!). Could Friday still work for 53?

  • Legally_SpeakingLegally_Speaking Alum Member
    553 karma

    @AlexRexeger Oh jeez, I completely misspoke thinking today was Thursday. Friday in the time slot you mentioned should work for me and yeah if you don't mind I'd be down to join that group if possible.

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