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Retaking Pretest and timing

apples_eaterapples_eater Core Member
edited July 2018 in General 38 karma

Is it better to retake preptest right the way (like after we have blind reviewed and checked the videos, so it's still fresh in our mind) or wait a couple weeks or month before retaking it (to test how much of the reasoning did we retain?)

Thanks guys!

When is the best moment to re-take a preptest?
  1. When is the best moment to re-take a preptest?1 vote
    1. right after blind reviewed and checked the videos, so it's still fresh in our mind
    2. wait a couple weeks or month before retaking it (to test how much of the reasoning did we retain?)


  • keets993keets993 Alum Member 🍌
    6050 karma

    Probably best to wait a while before retaking a prep test. PT's are just used to gauge how you're progressing, in terms of reasoning and time taking strategies.

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