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Hi 7sagers,
I need some honest advice from ya'll. I just received my lsat score and received a 149. Although this is really low, I did jump 6 points from my previous score that I took the second time around. The first test I took I cancelled. I was hoping to make it into the 150 range however; since I didn't I'm wondering if it would be worth taking one final time? I do have a full time job which is very emotionally taxing making it difficult to study and make more major improvements to my score but I just don't feel comfortable applying to law school with this score. I plan to write an addendum explaining why my score was so low ( job, anxiety, etc) but I'm curious to hear everyone's thoughts about 4 takes. I've don't a lot of reading on it and some people seem to encourage it if the applicant feels they can improve significantly and other strongly advise against it. I am a URM with a strong professional background and average GPA but I cant seem to get over the 149. Is anyone else taking it for the forth time or has anyone decided to just accept their third score and apply with that?
I accepted my third score. My second June 2018 and third July 2018 were exactly the same scores and even though I am registered for September I will withdraw and see what happens this cycle.
Nah you’re fine just go for a 4th take. Don’t be unreasonable and take the lsat every month expecting an increase though. Take your time studying and take November or even January. Some people got into Columbia after applying 6 times.
That's such a bummer when you don't hit your goal score, I'm sorry.
Was this score around where you were PTing? What's your average of the last few PTs? It's really an individual thing. If you've been regularly PTing in the 150s and you feel like this wasn't a good representation, I'd say go for it. But if this is in line with what you've been scoring on PTs, then I don't think another take is going to help. It would take more studying and maybe tutoring if you feel like your studying isn't helping.
Re: 4 takes - it doesn't look great, but if you think you could significantly increase your score then it would be worth it. A 155 on your 4th take would always be better than staying at 149. But if you've only been scoring in the upper 140s on PTs, then I don't think it would be wise to take a 4th just hoping to get 1 more point.
Depends, how close are you to your target schools' medians? If you are significantly below both GPA and LSAT medians at your target schools, you won't get in at your current state so you will have to retake anyway. 4 takes with a significantly higher fourth score is much better than 3 scores that will keep you out of those target schools regardless. In your scenario, I would recommend possibly sitting out a cycle and studying everything from the basics again cause it would be pointless if you retake again with a similar PT average. Also have you fool-proofed yet?