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Realistic Expectations

I am trying to get a realistic idea of the range that my September 2018 LSAT could be in a couple weeks. My diagnostic score was a 140 and now months later my last few LSAT's have been 156,155,157,158,158 from PT's 73-77. I feel that I am still making HUGE progress with every test even if my scores don't show it and will continue to push over these final few weeks. My target score has been a 160 from the very beginning. Do you guys think a 160 on the actual LSAT is pushing it at this point ? I'm a realist and would just enjoy your honest opinions. Thanks !


  • BinghamtonDaveBinghamtonDave Alum Member 🍌🍌
    8722 karma

    It is certainly possible. You are within the range that makes it possible. As a tutor, I really would like to see you at 162/161 two weeks out with a goal of 160 come test day, but where you are certainly isn’t bad.

    My advice is to thoroughly review the next couple of weeks, but try your hardest not to burn out, which in itself is a bit of a tight rope. The conventional wisdom is that many, many people perform 2 or so points lower than their average come test day due to test day nerves etc.

    Good luck and check in with the boards in the coming weeks and on the September test day thread!


  • Victoria.Victoria. Member
    553 karma

    Its definitely possible in my opinion. I'd advise you to take a weekend or a day off, use next week to drill the sections you're having a tough time with, then PT at the end of the week to check in. I had almost 9 straight 160s for pts all across the board, I took last weekend off, drilled 3-4 LG sections for 3 days, drilled RC passages, then scored a 165 yesterday. Don't give up, just drill your weaknesses after a break and don't touch a pt until you do so (this might be the hardest part)

  • SamiSami Yearly + Live Member Sage 7Sage Tutor
    10806 karma

    I definitely think you are close and it could happen but its that grey area because you have not actually performed that score in your PT's. Most people tend to score lower than their PT average on their test day because of the stress. So in general its a bad strategy to bank on getting a higher score than your average on the actual exam. But I don't think it's completely out of reach either - its just on the lower end of probability.

    I would say take the September and hopefully that works and you end up getting a 160 . But if not, keep working at the LSAT like November is your actual test day and not September. This way, you will not be stressed on the September exam and that may actually help you score a few more points than you normally do. But if you do need to re-take it in November, at least you kept studying and will definitely be ready this time around.

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