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Unfinished Graduate Degree on Resume

After realizing that it was not the career I wanted to pursue, I withdraw in good standing from a graduate program at the end of my first trimester. Due to my withdrawal, I did not receive credits. So I would love to hear your advice on if and how I should include this experience in my law school résumé.


  • MissChanandlerMissChanandler Alum Member Sage
    3256 karma

    I would not include it if I were you. If you didn't get the degree, it's not much of a soft, and they don't care too much about graduate GPA anyway. It might make them wonder if you'll do the same thing at law school.

  • OhnoeshalpmeOhnoeshalpme Alum Member
    2531 karma

    Yeah I see no good reason to include an unfinished degree in your resume. The only thing that is a problem of not including it is the gap in the resume of however long it took you to do that. You may have to include it for that reason so that it doesn't look like you spent a lot of time doing nothing. If you held a job during that period of time it might be more beneficial to you to put that instead.

  • vrendonvasquezvrendonvasquez Alum Member
    276 karma

    I worked as a Teaching Assistant in the same department. Would you recommend I include that? Most likely, I will not include it and rather send transcripts to make sure I disclose all information.

  • vrendonvasquezvrendonvasquez Alum Member
    276 karma

    not include it on the resume I mean

  • MissChanandlerMissChanandler Alum Member Sage
    3256 karma

    If you have a good amount of solid work experience, then you could leave the TA part off. If you feel like you need to pad your resume though, you might want to leave it on. I think that'll just be a judgement call for you.

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