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Hello Everyone!

DanielB84DanielB84 Alum Member
in General 95 karma

What's up everyone!

I just wanted to introduce myself. I am just starting to realize how amazing this community is and it is time for me to be proactive. I honestly was inspired by @LSATcantwin as I have a story that is similar to his. My dream is also to go to a t14 law school. I just graduated from UC Berkeley and though I performed well (3.86 GPA, Magna Cum Laude). I did not do well in my prior attempt at going to college which was about 15 years ago. I am a return student who is 34 years old. I believe my GPA is around 3.05 accumulative. To paint a better picture, my first attempt at school I had a 2.16 GPA mainly because of supporting my family and not taking school seriously. In my return to school, I have taken 116 units and received a 3.9 GPA in those classes (community college and a 3.86 GPA at Berkeley). I have worked really hard and I am scared that my past will not enable me in getting accepted to T14 law school. I am currently studying for the LSAT but its been really tough. I plan to take in November, which I know is late. Experience wise, I have been a psychiatric nurse in the medical field for five years and a psychiatric technician apprentice for two years.

I am in the mindset of t14 or bust. Do you all think I have a shot if I get a decently high LSAT 168+? Thank you in advance for reading and any help one may bestow upon me.

I am literally not going to let anything get in the way of my dreams! We all have our own past demons to fight and I know with hard work and perseverance we all will get to where we want to be. :)



  • jkjohnson1991jkjohnson1991 Alum Member
    766 karma

    Do you have a shot? I'm no admissions employee but if I had to guess I would say yes. Yes, you have a damn good shot, lol. You are pretty far removed from that 2.16 and performed exceptionally well at Berkeley which shows growth, maturation, and change for the better. Obviously your LSAC GPA would need to be known for people to make a better guess but with a 168+, your resume and performance while at Berkeley, I think T-14 is more than reachable.

  • SteFunny-1-1-1SteFunny-1-1-1 Core Member
    224 karma

    Hey Daniel! Welcome! This community is fantastic. Many inspiring and motivational success stories.

    I have a similar story to yours in that I did not fair too well my first go at college. I did not take it as seriously as I should have. I didn't do terrible but seeing as I have high goals now I realize my past caught up to me a bit, but never too late! My second attempt at college was much better and I was able to bring my GPA up but my past still affected my cumulative GPA so that stinks a bit. So here I am shooting for a 170+ hopefully! I plan on taking November also so we will see how that goes!

    Best of luck and to answer your question, I def think you have a good shot!

  • DanielB84DanielB84 Alum Member
    95 karma

    Thanks a bunch @jkjohnson1991 and @SVICTORIA. It was tough for me to change careers but I am loving where I am in this world of academia. I feel that with hard work and encouragement from our peers we can accomplish what we all set out to achieve. Keep me updated on your stories and best of wishes! @SVICTORIA you totally got this! It definitely takes discipline to return to school and as someone who struggled with the decision initially, I am extremely pleased at where I am today. Good luck!! November LSAT here we come!

  • Leah M BLeah M B Alum Member
    8392 karma

    Hi there, welcome to 7sage! Obviously, @LSATcantwin is a beast and ended up with a great outcome. So proud of him!

    I definitely think you have a shot. To be realistic though, it's going to be an uphill battle. I'd really recommend you try to get your LSAT to be 170+. It's good that you'll be over 3.0 because that seems to be a sort of cut off that some schools have. But you're going to need every point you can get on your LSAT to make up for the GPA. It bodes well for you that your most recent schooling has been an awesome GPA at a very good school. But splitters always have a tougher and more random admission cycle. You'll want to apply broadly, keep your options as open as you can, and hit some T20s too just in case. I think T14 can be done, but you'll definitely want the highest LSAT possible and make sure you have really strong essays.

  • DanielB84DanielB84 Alum Member
    95 karma

    Thank you so much for the advice @"Leah M B" I definitely understand that I have an up hill climb. I think for top 20 I will also be applying to UCLA and USC but I really am shooting for a t14 school. A 170+ score is literally all I have been thinking about and I am shooting for that. Again, I really appreciate the input and advice.

  • Beast ModeBeast Mode Live Member
    851 karma

    Hi Daniel,

    Welcome to 7Sage. You should be very proud of your self. Your past doesn't define your future. What matters most is focusing on the LSAT which is in your control. As long as you are focused and dedicated, you can achieve your dream score, school as well as legal career. More than anyone you know your abilities the most. Yes, the LSAT is challenging but it all depends on your perspective. Whenever you get discouraged always go back to the reason you wanted to pursue law in the first place. Take your time with the 7 sage core curriculum and master the fundamentals before drilling your weak areas or taking practice tests. 7 sage has so many great resources that can aide you in achieving your score as long as you stay patient and take your time. I know it's tempting to take the LSAT for the sake of time but it's critical to do so when you feel ready so that you're not surprised on test day. In regards to your GPA, you can always attach an addendum explaining your situation along with your law school application.

    Good luck! You got this!

  • DanielB84DanielB84 Alum Member
    95 karma

    Thanks a bunch @"Beast Mode" I appreciate your words of encouragement. I honestly am excited about this second chance in school and you are right that I know myself more than anyone else. I will be working extremely hard to get the score I desire. This community is already extremely amazing. Please keep in touch and let me know if there is anything I can do to help.

  • Beast ModeBeast Mode Live Member
    851 karma

    You're welcome! I admire your courage to change careers and go for what you really want. It takes a lot of guts to do that. I will keep in touch and don't hesitate to do the same. Best of luck.

  • LCMama2017LCMama2017 Alum Member
    2134 karma

    Hello Daniel and welcome! There are a few of us older folk here and yes, this community is really great at keeping everyone motivated. From what I have seen and heard, with a lot of hard work and time, that T14 is possible. I think breaking into the 170's will give you that chance and maybe some fairy dust too, lol. @LSATcantwin is proof of it! Remember to ask questions, create/join study groups and contribute to the community. Good luck with November!!

  • DanielB84DanielB84 Alum Member
    95 karma

    @LCMama2017 Thank you for the wishes! I honestly am in love with this community! "All you need is love, trust and a little bit of fairy dust" ;)

  • Adam HawksAdam Hawks Alum Member
    990 karma

    @DanielB84 Welcome to the fam. As for a T-14 with your LSAC GPA is possible with a 170+ LSAT score and a killer application with an addendum explaining your low GPA and how you turned it around.

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