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June LSAT study schedules

emli1000emli1000 Alum Member Inactive ⭐
in June 2015 LSAT 3462 karma
I'm just curious to know what are people's schedule for the June LSAT. Maybe we can use this thread as a way to see everyone's schedule such as for those that study 40+ hours, those that work & implement lsat prep, those that are still in undergrad/grad school & manage studying for the LSAT. This may be helpful for everyone retaking in June and needs motivation to get back into study mode.


  • nicole.hopkinsnicole.hopkins Inactive Sage Inactive ⭐
    7965 karma
    I work full time and work out every morning. I'm also pretty involved with church, so I am social at least 2 nights a week ;) Undergrad trained me to go hard or go home, so here's my schedule (all LSAT work is in the evenings and I keep Sunday to review-only, if possible):

    —I follow the LSAT Trainer Book + PT 29-71 schedule with some modifications. I combined the drills from the 52-71 schedule so every drill comes from both older tests as well as newer tests. This is a very serious amount of work. I've also modified the schedule to include 72-74 and to have at least one full PT per week. Come mid-April, I'll be done with the books and switch to 3-4 full PTs a week with intensive review/additional practice on alternate days, right up to June 6th when I'll take my last PT.
    —I also do daily "packets" on heavy drill days (days where drills take 3-5 very focused hours), which are one of each: LR (7 or more q's unless drilling LR); LG (one hard game or a game on which I've missed at least one question—difficulty gauged by averaging 7sage question difficulty rankings or various lists of hardest games); RC (same criteria as LG selection). Packets are never taken from tests I've reserved for practice exams in simulated testing conditions.
    —On days without drills, I do heavy work in Powerscore LGB and LRB in addition to Trainer Lessons (one or two of these per day). I'm considering adding RCB but that's by far the easiest section for me (my undergrad training was in extremely difficult philosophy and critical theory so I am used to the kind of reading the LSAT tests). If I'm not going -0 in RC by the time April rolls around, I'll get the RCB.
    —I'll do one full 5-section PT (I do a random previously completed section as the first section) under as strict of testing conditions as possible every Saturday: I have an LSAT analog watch from and I use the 7sage app to proctor and provide (really loud) white noise/distractions. Each PT is at exactly 12:30pm . Then BR and grade using 7sage app. As I said, this will change in April.

    Working this hard is a humbling experience. Every single weeknight, I'm in LSAT mode from about 6pm–11pm, and I try to keep my bedtime since I work out every morning (wake up at 6:30). I'd estimate total time investment to be a minimum of 30 hours per week.

    I should also note that I've been studying since July; this is my second time going through the LSAT Trainer, thus I have the brain space for all the supplemental LGB/LRB work. I've had a long time to ramp up to this intensity and am grateful for the momentum that such a long term commitment has generated.

    And there's room for grace in this. There has to be. I limit my non-negotiable work to the Trainer chapters, drills, packets, and PT's.

    Trust the process.
  • Matt1234567Matt1234567 Inactive ⭐
    1294 karma
    Wow Nicole, that's quite the schedule. Best of luck!
  • emli1000emli1000 Alum Member Inactive ⭐
    3462 karma
    Very impressive!
  • jdawg113jdawg113 Alum Inactive ⭐
    2654 karma
    @nicole.hopkins I want to say be weary of using those newer tests to drill from... those are the best indication of where you are relative to the test you will take on Test Day and are much better to be taken fresh as a full PT, especially as you get closer to the test. I see you have been studying for a long time so I would imagine your reasoning is that you have seen everything else but redoing questions and PT's is not bad and can in-fact show you where you really need work (getting things wrong despite seeing them before, etc.) just my $.02
  • nicole.hopkinsnicole.hopkins Inactive Sage Inactive ⭐
    7965 karma
    @jdawg113 — your advice is sound. My first time going through the Trainer lessons/drills, I used the 52-71 schedule; thus, I've already drilled 52-57 nearly to death. I include them to keep the newer tests fresh in mind, but they were already "exhausted" as potential prep tests by the time I got started with the 29-71 schedule. Happily, I haven't had too many encounters with 58-61 (unless taken as full PT's). If I could do it all over again, I would go through the Trainer + 29-51, then take all the very earliest tests, and then in the home stretch take 52-74 as practice exams.

    But I refuse to have my vision clouded by hindsight and wishful thinking. Just as we don't dwell on a LR question once we've pulled the trigger and filled in the bubble, I won't get caught pondering what might have been if I'd reserved all of 52-74. Ain't got time for that.
  • jdawg113jdawg113 Alum Inactive ⭐
    2654 karma
    fair enough. Though keep in mind although you have seen them before and often the longer you leave it alone the more that fades from your memory so maybe hold off drilling them for a bit so you can take closer to test day as a full PT? obviously it will be a bit in your mind but the longer you avoid it the better it is for a retake
  • Alexandra3-2Alexandra3-2 Free Trial Member
    74 karma
    I also work full time so I've been studying every night from 7-10pm Mon-Thurs and Fri-Sat from 11-4pm; Sundays I rest since I'm in church all day. I'm currently reading the Manhattan LSAT and LSAT Trainer. Come late April into May I will be drilling till June 6th. It's hard staying motivating, so please offer advice. Thank you guys!
  • emli1000emli1000 Alum Member Inactive ⭐
    3462 karma
    9AM/10 AM- Reading time (The Economist, SA, and a novel)
    11AM- Drill 1 section of LR/2 RC passages
    12PM- BR 2 sections from a previous PT taken from the day before
    1PM- Lunch
    2PM- Finish BR the last 2 sections of a PT
    3PM- Watch every video explanation from the questions I had difficulty with/missed
    4PM- Redo every LG from the PT I just BR
    5PM- Read/take notes/drill from The Trainer
    7PM-8PM- Get myself together with whatever it is I need to do besides studying
    9PM- until I get tired-Random TV shows/Netflix (Empire on Tue. nights & Scandal on Thurs. nights) LOL- If not watching a show then I'm drilling LR.

    Usually in bed by 11:30/12:30 depends on how tired I feel.
    I usually take 2 days off during the week. Usually Wednesdays & Sundays

  • LaurenEleanorLaurenEleanor Free Trial Member
    3 karma
    @nicole.hopkins what material are you using to drill heavily? I have The LSAT Trainer and I'm trying to devise a solid study schedule. Of course I read each lesson but I'd like some heavy drilling to combine with my lessons. Thanks!
  • msoliviajmsoliviaj Alum Member
    53 karma
    The LSAT Trainer is also needed on top of this?
  • emli1000emli1000 Alum Member Inactive ⭐
    3462 karma
    @cndyjean if you're still struggling with 7Sage, The Trainer fills in those gaps.
  • nicole.hopkinsnicole.hopkins Inactive Sage Inactive ⭐
    7965 karma
    @LaurenEleanor I based my study schedule off of the 29-71 16 week schedule on the trainer website. You can find the URL in the book or google! I compressed a couple of the later weeks and shifted things around to fit my schedule otherwise but I do use his drill sets; I would recommend taking the PTs under exam conditions before drilling from them (important for all PTs after 36 or so. Unfortunately I drilled the crap out of 52-54 the first time I did the trainer schedule but I did initially take those as PT's early in my study process--I just won't be able to use them again in the same way so watch out for that).
  • msoliviajmsoliviaj Alum Member
    53 karma
    Thank you @emli1000 ....
  • JustinaJJustinaJ Alum Member
    223 karma
    I am still in undergrad taking 4 classes online and also work full time.
    Work Mon - Fri 8-5pm
    LSAT course 6p - 10p Every week night taking a break once a week.
    Saturdays Studying 5 hours
    Sunday Studying 5 hours

    Homework for school every where in between LOL
  • JustinaJJustinaJ Alum Member
    223 karma
    @Alexandra3 Stay motivated!!! You got this! You will see lots of improvement if you put in the work :) Don't give up!
  • blah170blahblah170blah Alum Inactive ⭐
    3545 karma
    Day 1: hypothesis testing & taking PT
    Day 2 (3/4): review PT & drill
    Rinse and repeat
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