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Pacifico's Strategy

MindyKaleMindyKale Alum Member
in Logic Games 350 karma


How many PTs per day would you recommend following Pacifico's LG strategy?

Would it still be advisable to do 1-35 instead of maybe newer ones? Asking because P's post is at least 2 years old


  • MissChanandlerMissChanandler Alum Member Sage
    3256 karma

    Usually people still recommend 1-35 because they have some weird games and that way you're not burning through the newer PTs (which you want to save for full length timed practice). When I foolproof, I usually do eight or so games a day. Like four games that I've never seen and four that are repeats. I think how many you do per day really just depends on how much time you have and what pace works best for you.

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