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First PrepTest Since I've started Studying

plbrown3splbrown3s Member
edited September 2018 in General 28 karma

Hello all,

I started studying on approximately July 24th, have moved through all the LR curriculum, and have broken through to LG curriculum and using the fool proof method. I applied to law schools for the 2018 application cycle with less than proficient LSAT scores; from 140, 143, 145, respectively. I received two offers, but I did not want to settle for they were not as prominent a status for the standard I hold to myself.

Yesterday, I took my first practice since I've started studying and scored a raw 156, and 160 BR on PT77. Honestly, I didn't think I would make this jump quite this fast and I was extremely excited to see my result. My best sections were RC at 20 correct, with a close second in LR at 19 correct. LG was by far my worst because I saw game 3 and immediately started panicking.

Looking for any feedback, because I'm wanting to break 160 consistently before taking the November test. I am going to take another PT in a couple of days with a blind review and I will update you guys when the time comes!



  • studyingandrestudyingstudyingandrestudying Core Member
    5254 karma

    Great improvement and am confident you can improve even more. Maybe the post-CC webinar and other webinars can help and am interested in the advice of other students. Keep up the good work!

  • plbrown3splbrown3s Member
    28 karma

    @lsatplaylist thank you!! I appreciate it and I'll definitely check that out.

  • Leah M BLeah M B Alum Member
    8392 karma

    That's a great RC score!! Highly recommend focusing on LG. That's the section that most people can see improvement. Work on using the foolproof method to really get those down. Start by doing individual games, not whole sections. It can help too to do the foolproofing by game type, so you can really nail down how to do those. Work on untimed LR questions by question type as well. Make sure to really work through what the right answer is, how you got it, and why all the other answers are wrong. That will help you start to see the patterns in the LR questions. RC is I think the hardest to improve on, and since you seem to be having solid success in that area, I would focus mostly on LG and then also LR.

  • cadebiyi1cadebiyi1 Alum Member
    37 karma

    That's really awesome! I'm more than confident that you will break that score for November. Slowly began to time yourself. That way your BR will become your actual score.

  • plbrown3splbrown3s Member
    28 karma

    @"Leah M B" Thank you so much! I'll definitely do that then; LR and LG used to be equally as bad, but the CC really, really helped me through each question type with LR, and I just need more practice with LG. Again, though, thank you for your comments and suggestions, it means a lot!

  • plbrown3splbrown3s Member
    28 karma

    @cadebiyi1 Thank you! I sure hope so, just gotta nail down LG and I think I'll be there. Thank you for confidence!

  • samantha.ashley92samantha.ashley92 Alum Member
    edited September 2018 1777 karma

    Congrats! That's great improvement. If you want to score a 160, you should be looking to PT around 163. It seems like LG is your biggest opportunity. Freezing up with the miscellaneous games is where I always lose my time/points. The more you practice the misc games, the more you will get used to trusting your instincts and diving in head first. Sometimes, I'll do something like start writing out a sequencing board, only to realize midway through my rule translation that it's an in/out game. But really, that was ok because I was spending that time actively thinking instead of staring at the page, paralyzed by fear. From there, I was confident in my setup. Oh, and to quote JY, "When in doubt, make a chart".

  • plbrown3splbrown3s Member
    28 karma

    @"samantha.ashley92" Thank you for your suggestions! I'll keep this in mind.

  • ChaimtheGreatChaimtheGreat Alum Member 🍌🍌
    1277 karma

    First of all, congratulations on re-embarking on the LSAT journey. I really believe you made the right decision and I am sure you law school options will improve. As some others have mentioned, you are in a really good position with LG. LG is the easiest section to improve and JY is truly a great instructor. I would really buckle down on some LG, get that number up and you will really start seeing movement on PTs! Are you looking to apply next cycle (as in next year)?

  • plbrown3splbrown3s Member
    28 karma

    @ChaimtheGreat yes, I plan on starting my applications in December after I receive my November score. Thank you for the encouraging words!

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