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Here's a list of all of our current forum titles and their roles:
• ⭐ (Previously Mentor)
Active and helpful 7Sagers who go above and beyond to aide others.
These members are hand-picked by 7Sage staff (and the Students!). ⭐ members are not subject to an LSAT score cut off. ⭐ members are or were enrolled in a 7Sage course.
@"Accounts Playable" | @twssmith | @Sprinkles | @Alex | @BinghamtonDave | @Sami | @"Cant Get Right" | @"Heart Shaped Box" | @JustDoIt | @NotMyName | @akistotle | @Daniel.Sieradzki | @Freddy_D | @LSATcantwin | @"Leah M B" | @tringo335 | @"Paul Caint" | @"Habeas Porpoise" | @keets993 | @Vibrio | @Ohnoeshalpme | @MissChanandler | @LSAT_Wrecker | @"Logic Gainz" | @"Lucas Carter"
Update: @"Habeas Porpoise" and @keets993, who are both known for great comments in the lessons, are new ⭐️ members!
@akistotle Thanks for the honour
Congrats @"Habeas Porpoise"
Thanks @akistotle!
And thanks @keets993! Congrats to you, too!
@"Habeas Porpoise" @keets993 Very special and all the best to you both
Congrats y'all!!
@"Habeas Porpoise" and @keets993, I like reading both of your comments and really appreciate the assistance that you provide to other students.
@twssmith and @Freddy_D, thank you both, I'll try my best to live up to the title!
@lsatplaylist Thank you, that means a lot!
@lsatplaylist thanks for your kind words
@twssmith and @Freddy_D honoured to be among the greats
Update: @NotMyName is a new Sage!
@NotMyName congrats!!!
@keets993 Thank you!!
(Big sigh of relief). I've been chasing this damn sage badge for the past 18 months since I started with 7Sage. At that time, I had just scored a 159 on the December 2016 LSAT. Without this community, I never would have come close to the 174 I scored in July.
@NotMyName great job!
@NotMyName congrats! that's amazing!
@NotMyName That's awesome! Congrats
@NotMyName You deserve it! Congrats!!!
@NotMyName been seeing your comments all over the curriculum and forums and the work you put in is obvious. Congrats again! Go enjoy yourself now. Your watch is over
@NotMyName Congrats!!!
This is awesome J! (If I may still call u that lol) should definitely do a webinar we can’t wait to hear about your journey!
Awesome, congrats @NotMyName!!!!
@Sprinkles @username_hello @Kermit750 @akistotle @keets993 @"Habeas Porpoise" @"Leah M B"
Thank you, everyone. Ya'll make this community what it is... a truly emergent thing 7Sage has built.
@"Heart Shaped Box" hahaha... yes, "J" is just fine. Yes I'm planning to do one this winter. Hope you're doing well, my friend. Lots of luck to you in this odyssey -- you deserve it all!
Thanks man I appreciate it! I'm a slow poke but it's coming along.
Now looking back all the "fights" (not really) we had in CC back in the day, good times!
While it's nice to know that your future is forever changed with new possibilities that you could only ever dream of before, it really is all about the Sage badge isn't it!? If it were a real, physical badge, it'd have a really nice weight to it. Like, you'd pick it up and it'd be way heavier than you expected. Congrats man, you're above every median!
A badge in the hand is worth a T14 in the bush? Roger that.
Thanks CGR!
Update: @Vibrio, @Ohnoeshalpme, @MissChanandler are new ⭐️ members!
Congrats!! @Vibrio @MissChanandler @Ohnoeshalpme
Woooo! Congrats @Vibrio @MissChanandler and @Ohnoeshalpme!!
Congrats @Vibrio @MissChanandler @Ohnoeshalpme !!! That's awesome!!!
Super late to the game, but congrats guys and gals!!!
Update: @LSAT_Wrecker is a new ⭐️ member!
Awesome! Welcome @LSAT_Wrecker and thanks for all that you do!
Was shocked to read this because I thought they already were one! Keep up the good work @LSAT_Wrecker
Woo! Congrats!
@LSAT_Wrecker Congrats!!!
Update: @MissChanandler is a new Sage!
@MissChanandler [Bing] congrats!!!!!!
Update: @"Logic Gainz" is a new ⭐️ member!
@akistotle i've never felt more shamed in my life.
😂 😂 😂
@"Logic Gainz" congrats!!!!!!
Congrats @MissChanandler! Confession: I always read your username in Janice's voice...
Welcome @"Logic Gainz" !!!
Update: @"Lucas Carter" is a new ⭐️ member!
@akistotle that makes me so happy I'm dying hahahaha
@"Lucas Carter" congrats!