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Personal Statement Topic Opinions

PrincessPrincess Alum Member

First, I really appreciate any help that you guys are able to provide me and I apologize in advance for any errors (writing late at night). Some information about me is that I am 19 years old, I finished HS at 17, and got Bachelors in 2 years. I feel like I have been quite fortunate to not face challenges that will say "WOAH!", but I am still confused. Also, if anyone is please able to read it and wants to trade, I would love to do that!

1)NERD PS: I do have a PS from Top 100 where my college chose 100 students focusing on internships, research, volunteering, GPA, and more. Personally...it does make me sound like a nerd and does share a lot which is on my resume. I feel like it could be a unique topic, but I'm not really sure.

2) DIVERSITY PS: I do wanna save this PS because it will focus on how I moved from India to US and adapted as a child in a new homogeneous community..

3) CREATIVE PS: I could focus on Bollywood movies and even romance novels which made me see world in "rose colored" glasses essentially. I could even switch this and add my first love/heartbreak...what I learned from it, how I grew (ideas of self growth/feminism) , decided to volunteer and help victims of domestic violence, etc...but idk if that makes me sound like a little kid. I think i could word it appropriately tho


Personal Statement Ideas
  1. More "smart"1 vote
    1. NERD-TOP !00 PS
    2. DIVERSITY-transition to US


  • OhnoeshalpmeOhnoeshalpme Alum Member
    2531 karma

    I know this is hard to hear, but my honest opinion is that none of these in themselves is enough. You want to focus on a fairly specific story for your PS, some experience that portrays you in a positive light. Do you have any specific stories from your volunteer work? The story of why and how you came to be a volunteer for domestic violence support and what you learned in the process feels stronger to me. Also, the immigration story is often a strong personal statement. You might be able to connect your experience as an immigrant to your volunteer work.

    PS - This is just my humble opinion, so take that with a grain of salt.

  • FixedDiceFixedDice Member
    edited September 2018 1804 karma

    1: No need to emphasize the "Top 100" part, especially if it refers to your undergraduate institution (adcoms see way too many amazing qualifications every year, and there are gazillions kinds of nerds). If you have a specific experience that is related to the program and highlights your personal growth, that would be a decent topic.
    2: A decent topic.
    3: Could be an interesting topic.

  • _oshun1__oshun1_ Alum Member
    edited September 2018 3652 karma

    Yeah I’m not really sure about any of those either. It sounds like you did volunteer work and helped victims of domestic violence? Focus like 70% on that and maybe 15% on an intro describing what inspired you to start doing the volunteer work and then maybe 15% tie it into why this will make you a good attorney/law student/human being.
    I’m not sure about how sincere anyone can be about immigrating when they’re toddlers-elementary school age...though it could be briefly mentioned as background ie it inspired you to help people..
    I just don’t know what the “top 100” thing means, is this an award you received or is this just a description of your internship? And you shouldn’t try to be cute/overly creative and risk taking with your PS unless you’re a 4.0/175+ and have room to just give 0 f*cks.

  • PadawanPadawan Member
    91 karma

    I agree with all responses. Adcoms don't need anymore nerd PS unless you can turn it into a unique diversity statement. You want to really "humanize" your application, with all you have going for you. There's nothing wrong with a Doogie Howser by any means, just don't be too out there.

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