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Necessary Assumption Help

musumecibjjmusumecibjj Alum Member

Hey guys, I have been having a lot of trouble with this question type. The easy ones I don't really have problems with, but for the harder NA questions, It seems I can always get it down to two answers, and always the correct answer is one of the two, but I sometimes end up choosing the other answer -_____-.
I always Find the conclusion first, identify the support (premise) after, then try to spot the gap in the argument. I always am able to get it down to 2 answer choices (always the correct answer choice is one of the two) and then I try to Negate the last two choices. It seems that because its difficult to pre-phrase NA questions, I have more trouble with this type. Also have been practicing the Negation techniques and seem to be improving on those as well. Any advice on what I can add in or what I have to change with what i'm doing? PLEASE HELP!! Taking test in November, I feel almost every question type I have improved so much on, just these NA questions are killing me!!! ANY ADVICE WOULD BE GREATLY APPRECIATED! Thank you!


  • Lucas CarterLucas Carter Alum Member
    2804 karma

    It sounds like you are on the right track. I saw a lot of improvement and progress by printing out 10 or so NA questions and only reading the stimulus'. I then wrote out as many NAs that I could for each argument. This helped me get really good at pre phrasing and hunt through ACs more efficiently. When I get down to 2 ACs, I usually ask myself "Does this argument 100% absolutely need this?", for me this can be a little quicker than negating the ACs, especially if they are dense and tough to negate. Practice really does make perfect with NA questions, so don't get discouraged if you don't get them all right away. Good luck!!

  • musumecibjjmusumecibjj Alum Member
    edited September 2018 94 karma

    @"Lucas Carter" yes it seems the negating at the end on bigger answer choices is confusing me alittle bit. I am going to implement your approach! Thank you so much for the advice!!!!!

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