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Sufficient Assumption Question

I was wondering if the following answers are all correct predictions for the following Sufficient Assumption question.

Every student who walks to school goes home for lunch. It follows That some students who have part-time jobs do not walk to School.
Diagramed as: WS -> GHL
PT some /WS

My predictions:
a. Some students who do not go home for lunch have a part-time job.
b. Every student who does not go home for lunch has a part-time job.
c. Most students who do not go home for lunch have a part-time job.

Thank you :)


  • niki2018niki2018 Member
    54 karma


  • BinghamtonDaveBinghamtonDave Alum Member 🍌🍌
    edited October 2018 8722 karma

    Edit: more detail
    A is alright as stated
    C. Is alright as stated, but I would much rather prefer to see:
    B. is also valid.

  • keets993keets993 Alum Member 🍌
    6050 karma

    Dave pretty much answered this. For C, you can have it two ways:

    /GHL ---m--> PT (what you stated)
    PT ---m---> /GHL
    "Most students who have a part time job do not go home for lunch"

    For B you can also have,

    "Every student who has a part time job does not go home for lunch"
    PT ----> /GHL

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