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Tips on getting faster on logic games?

pomegranatepomegranate Alum Member
in Logic Games 27 karma

Hi all! I'm hitting my target score on Blind Review, but the logic games are killing me on timed PTs. Once I blind review I tend to get all the logic games correct, sometimes -1, but it just takes me way longer than 35 minutes. I just can't finish all four games in time. How do I get faster?


  • SamiSami Yearly + Live Member Sage 7Sage Tutor
    10806 karma

    Have you fool-proofed games yet?

  • Watermelon OtterWatermelon Otter Alum Member
    345 karma

    Sadly there is no quick and easy way to just suddenly get faster. LG is a skill that you have to develop through relentless practice and just grinding out game after game. If you haven't already, you need to foolproof, at minimum, all the LG in PT1-35.
    As you are foolproofing and watching the videos, also make sure you are picking up on certain best practices such as circling "floaters", ticking off rules, etc. Eventually, with just tons of practice and staying mindful of building good habits, you should naturally improve both in speed and accuracy.
    Believe me, I feel your pain though. I once had a timed PT where I went -15 on LG and was so baffled as to why because when I was blind reviewing it the games seemed so easy. On my real test, and after having foolproofed hundreds of games, I only missed 1 point on LG.

  • pomegranatepomegranate Alum Member
    27 karma

    @Sami said:
    Have you fool-proofed games yet?

    What exactly does "foolproofing" mean? I've done games over and over after watching the video until I can get them all correct in the recommended time. But I still have trouble going fast enough on timed PTs.

  • SamiSami Yearly + Live Member Sage 7Sage Tutor
    edited October 2018 10806 karma

    @pomegranate said:

    What exactly does "foolproofing" mean? I've done games over and over after watching the video until I can get them all correct in the recommended time.

    That's one of the aspects of foolproofing. Did you repeat the games later and see if you could still get them correct and under time -a week later and then a month? A lot of times we think we understand something if we just repeat it the same day but it could be that we remember the answers. So its impertinent to repeat the games later and to check if we did indeed learn how to make inferences and not just learn that particular inference.

    You could also try asking yourself what took you so long? You can check what you may be taking too long in by watching your footage and doing a breakdown of your section by time. Then you want to answer what took you so long? Did you take to long in set up or not enough time during set up? Did you take to long in a particular question? Did you not see a particular inference or not understand the tensions of the game? Answering these questions will help you determine the solution to the problem and what you need to work on.

  • OhnoeshalpmeOhnoeshalpme Alum Member
    2531 karma
  • pomegranatepomegranate Alum Member
    27 karma

    @Sami @Ohnoeshalpme thanks for the help! I'll have to go back and re-do games and break down what's taking too long.

  • SamiSami Yearly + Live Member Sage 7Sage Tutor
    10806 karma

    @pomegranate said:
    thanks for the help! I'll have to go back and re-do games and break down what's taking too long.

    Looks like a good plan :smile:

  • TravMcGoldTravMcGold Free Trial Member
    edited March 2021 2 karma

    Honestly, I do not really think that there is any way to get suddenly quicker in this game. I mean seriously, the only thing that you have to do, in order to get faster, is to play more and more, and keep on training and developing yourself. You have to practice more and more and more, and after that you will get to have a better result, trust me. At least that is my own opinion. The thing with these games, is that you cannot use cheats, just like in warzone. I'll be honest, I have used some cheats from . It is nothing to be proud about, I used them because I was tired of the other cheaters.

  • emmorensemmorens Core Member
    edited March 2021 1470 karma

    I think being quick also comes with confidence. Try a section out and force yourself to speed up/move on from answers that you are 90% sure of, just don't beat yourself up if you go -5 or even -10 or something. Practice makes progress!

    I've found myself being able to quickly anticipate answer choices without being able to prove it out entirely in that moment, it's definitely sped things up.

  • yunonsieyunonsie Member
    616 karma

    ^confidence on LG is important! I liked what the LSAT Trainer said about this. To paraphrase, your ability to answer questions, which is ultimately what affects our scores, is directly built upon how well you set up your board and how confident you are in your set up. You can have a great board, but if you don't trust it, you will spend your precious time double checking and self doubting. You can't rush through the initial steps, even under timed conditions, even though it feels like we have no time to do anything. I also like how 7sage recommends that you think about how each rule relates to the previous rules. So even if the game is very open ended or has few inferences, you can still kind of "see" how the positions and elements come together.

    That being said, foolproofing is a great method. It's tedious, but it helps you recognize the patterns in the games, set ups, and inferences. It will take time, but eventually that part will move a lot more quickly, which means questions should move more quickly.

    If you're spending time trying to break down LG question stems, I would also recommend reviewing that. You want to know immediately what is meant by "must be false," etc.

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